Jumat, 28 Desember 2018

Sell My Structured Settlement Payments for Cash

Sell My Structured Settlement Payments for Cash
Hi my name is Doctor Vanderloop and I come
to you today because I actually had some of my patients as well as my family members that
had to do their own wealth structured settlements. In other words they had a lawsuit that took
place where it was medical or a major accident. A lot of people don't know what a structured
settlement is, but basically it is, it is an annuity that pays out over a period of
time versus all up front. So in other words, certain people would have you know, paid out
monthly, on certain times out of the year, some even have payment up front.

But each
person can vary structured settlement but the idea is that pay you out over a period
of time. The nice part about it is you don't have to
sell your whole annuity if you want you can sell a portion of it for the money you need
at the present time. Normally it takes sixty to ninety days to
be able to get your hands on the cash. It can vary from individual from individual but
over all the normal case is sixty to ninety days.
Another question we get a lot is, is do I.

Need an attorney, do I need a lawyer? Certain
states yes you do, other ones no you do not. So it's best for you to get some independent
counsel on your own to find out about that or the best idea and solution I can have for
you is actually give us a call or in other words click on the link below where we can
contact you and give you more information and let you know what is available to you..

Jumat, 21 Desember 2018

sell annuity payments

sell annuity payments
Sell annuity payments
--What are Annuities? An annuity is an investment product that can
be tax deferred and is sold by insurance companies. For people wanting a secure future an annuity
is a very good choice as an investment. The more common retirement plans such as the
401(k) and Roth IRA and Roth 401(k) while most widely used do in fact have some limitations
with regard to an income ceiling, limitations on contributions and on withdrawals. In comparison an annuity does not limit the
amount of contributions you are able invest.

There is not an income limitations nor is
there compulsory withdrawals. An annuity is preferable therefore for someone
who although contributing to their usual retirement plan are still looking for a regular periodic
payment whether fixed or variable. A deferred annuity, which gives a constant
flow of payments during retirement has proven to be the most desirable annuity. --Why Sell Annuity Payments? The annuities you can sell may have been purchased
by you or inherited from a family member.

You may want some lump sum cash from a structured
settlement from a personal injury case or other lawsuit such as medical malpractice. The reason for wanting to sell your annuity
may be nothing more than the need for some immediate cash. Maybe you want to buy a new house, start a
business or pay for the education of your children. Because of the deferral of taxes on annuities
one might sell some or all of their annuities to avoid being placed in a higher tax bracket
upon retirement.

The lump sum cash for annuity payment option
needs to be considered carefully. --How beneficial are annuities
An annuity should really be held for many years to get the most out of this type of
investment. Buying an annuity a couple of years before
retirement is not such a good investment and the benefits do not really outweigh the costs. Therefore one might consider selling their
annuity and invest in products that produce a higher yield or return on their investment.

People holding variable annuities may be wiser
spending time managing investments in securities to gain a better return on their investment. The reason for this is that variable annuities
do not guarantee a fixed stream of payment like fixed annuities do. The payments you'll get from this type of
investment will be based on your ability to assemble a good portfolio of securities. --So How do you sell your annuity? Well first of all establish the value of the

Figure out the discounted value of the annuity's
future cash flow in order to determine it's current value. This ought to be the price that you get when
you sell your annuity. If the market price of your annuity is less
than it's current value then you should not sell the annuity. Instead hold on to it until the market value
is at a point where selling makes financial sense.

Decide whether to sell all or part of your
annuity. A nice benefit that a secondary market for
annuities has to offer is the opportunity to sell a part of your annuity payment and
hold on to the remainder. As an example you could sell 1/3rd of your
regular monthly annuity payment for certain number of years and get a lump sum amount
while still getting your other 2/3rds every month. --Cash for annuity payment, finding the buyer
An established structured settlement company can figure out the value of your annuity.

They will also lead you through the steps
and documents needed to proceed to sell your annuity payments. These documents will include the annuity policy
itself, copies of the annuity checks you have received, tax returns and various other documents. While there is obviously a fee for this service
it will speed the process up and help you avoid mistakes that could cost you money. If you find you cannot sell your annuity for
the price you want, think about swapping your annuity payments for a more agreeable annuity.

As an example you could swap your variable
annuity payments for fixed payments using an annuity swap
It might also be possible for you to use your annuity as collateral for a loan if you are
in need of some cash but is can't sell annuity payments for a decent price Below the video links are very important links

Jumat, 14 Desember 2018

Secondary Market Annuities for Sale - Find the best secondary market annuities for sale right now!

Secondary Market Annuities
Secondary Market Annuities for Sale - Find
the best secondary market annuities
for sale right now! Http://www.PensionBlackBook.Com What are the best secondary market annuity
for sale currently and how can you.......... Leverage these to produce a maximum income
stream regardless of your current age? Secondary market annuities have become very
attractive in recent years and allow individuals to obtain higher benefits than traditional
fixed based annuities, such as immediate annuities, fixed annuities (MYGAs), and fixed indexed
annuities. This video reveals the secrets involved on
how to understand these excellent financial products and why many individuals are leveraging
these assets over primary market annuities. Derek Ifasi is the go to specialist with primary
market annuities and has created a nationally known website RetireSharp.Com.

In this video
he creates easy to understand language on a secondary market annuity and why it is ideal
for income planning. Regardless of age, that can typically hinder retirement income goals,
these financial products can produce set streams of income to leverage for either retirement
planning or basic financial planning needs. Secondary market annuities can be perceived
as an extremely powerful financial tool, but many mistakes are made when not dealing with
the correct specialist. You need to fully understand the best secondary market annuities out there
and become fully educated on whether or not
this correlates specifically towards your goals.

Call 1-800-566-1002 to get a personalized
appointment with Derek. He
is one of  the most ethical advisors throughout the nation
and has helped thousands of individuals obtain peace of mind when dealing with income planning. Http://pensionblackbook.Com/ Please remember to subscribe to our youtube
channel : ) Related search terms:
secondary  market annuities for sale
secondary market annuity risk secondary market annuities  pros and  cons secondary  market annuity rate http://www.Youtube.Com/watch?V=5xImBDDHjc4.

Jumat, 07 Desember 2018

Railroad Accident Amputation CaseLaw Offices of Patrick S. OBrien, LLC

Railroad Accident Amputation
Another case I tried about seven years ago,
eight years ago, involved a young man that had both legs cut off on a rail yard. Literally, he called his father with his cell
phone holding his legs in his hand. Again it was a situation where the railroad
took the position that it was totally his fault. They manufactured evidence and said that he
had called their office while he was in the intensive care unit.

They managed to put one of his legs back on. He had 36 surgeries in total and indicated
that it was all his fault. Now, of course, he was under the influence
of morphine at the time. We questioned whether that conversation ever
took place but we were lucky enough to have the chief of the burn unit at the University
of Louisville, hospital come in and testify.

And he looked at the jury and told them to
believe anything that someone would say when they are under that load of medication would
be absolutely ludicrous. And again, they did some things to try to
hide evidence which we caught. After we tried it for a week, we beat the
devil out of them. They called me on Saturday afternoon, I was
in my office preparing for a cross examination of their expert witnesses the next week and
this was Zurich Insurance Company, as a matter of fact.

They had one of their reps call me from New
York and say, "Well we're prepared to offer you four million dollars now to settle your case and we'll do whats called a structured settlement which is actually guaranteed payouts over
a thirty year period. And they said, "If he lives to his normal
life expectancy, he will receive 6.4 Million dollars." Well, I didn't think that was enough money. And one of the things that we do, this is
a team approach, I got my client on the phone, I was fully aware of the fact that if the
jury believed the railroad's version of the story, he would be a 28-year old guy with a missing leg, with $500,000 plus medical bills plus more medical bills in the future because he
needs an artificial leg every three years. I told him what I thought.

I said, "I don't think that's enough money." He said, "Well if you don't think that's enough
money, let's keep pressing on." We saw the judge the next Monday and of course,
the railroad lawyers ran in there and said: "Well judge we want you to know that we offered
them four million dollars over the weekend and they better take the money." The judge looked at both of us and he winked
and says: "Boys it sounds like you're in a game of Texas Holdem and you're both all in." The jury returned the verdict in that case of 9.33
Million dollars..

Jumat, 30 November 2018

Mold outbreak patient victims family, UPMC settle lawsuit

Mold outbreak patient




Jumat, 23 November 2018

Lifetime Withdrawal Benefits Overview

Lifetime Withdrawal Benefits
Hi, Im Dick Ellis for Annuity FYI, with
an overview of the Lifetime Withdrawal Benefits. Lifetime Withdrawal Benefits are optional
riders that can be attached to many variable annuities. They guarantee a steady stream
of payments for the rest of your life. The payments can never go down but they might
go up.

For example, suppose you invest $100,000 in an annuity with a five percent lifetime
withdrawal benefit rider. You can withdraw five thousand dollars per year for the rest
of your life, even if your account balance goes to zero. Now, many investors like lifetime withdrawal
benefits because if your account value goes up, you can lock in the higher value,
and increase the amount on which the withdrawal percentage is based. In the deferral period,
even if your account value decreases, your benefit base will typically compound by some
guaranteed rate, such as five to ten percent.

For folks who plan a lengthy retirement, lifetime
withdrawal benefits give the financial confidence of regular, guaranteed payments, and ensure
you wont outlive your income, even if the market declines. However, there are some things to be careful
of. Fees for lifetime benefit riders vary widely, and they do not always correlate with
the quality of the benefit. So be sure to compare multiple products.

Its also important
to make sure that the withdrawal amounts are consistent with your income needs. Most allow
you to withdraw between five percent and seven annually. There is a wealth of additional information
on AnnuityFYI, and you can also email us, or call us to speak with a live person. For
AnnuityFYI, I wish you Safe Investing, and remind you that annuities can give you the
peace of mind of guaranteed lifetime income..

Jumat, 16 November 2018

Kernel ProgrammingHello World using Ubuntu in a Virtual Box 1

Kernel ProgrammingHello World
Assalam Alaykum! This is Abdulrhman, a student
from King Faisal University I am currently taking Operating System course that interests me so much because of
my excellent professors, Dr. Khaled Rajab and Dr. Shakeel. This is to record
an explanation of everything
that I did to answer the Bonus Work
for this course.

First, I visited www.Virtualbox.Org/wiki/Downloads to download the virtual box
from Oracle and installed it
in my computer. Next, I visited
www.Ubuntu.Com/download/desktop to download ubuntu 17.10
Which I plan to install in my virtual box. In my early research,
I found out from several threads that the 32-bit Ubuntu works well with Virtual Box. However, after visiting the site and knowing
that the latest version has only 64-bit for Desktop, I decided to download and install
an earlier version, the 16.04.03.

I found an ISO file from http://releases.Ubuntu.Com/16.04/
After installing Virtual Box in my Windows 10 and Ubuntu in Virtual Box. I started with my kernel programming Lets start Ubuntu. Lets open terminal application
Lets list all the files. Lets create Modules directory.

This is where we will save our files for Kernels
Hello World. Lets change our directory to Modules
Lets start kernel programming by creating a C source code file using nano editor. We will name it AboodeSaysHello.C
The header files we need for kernel programming are init, kernel and module. We will define information such as license,
author and description for our code.

We will create static functions hello_init
and hello_exit that will be called when module initializes and when it exits. Printk is a command that is similar to Cs
printf. KERN_INFO is a soft display of text, while
KERN_ALERT is loud as you will see it later in red color. Lets declare the 2 functions for module_init
and module_exit Save the file and exit from nano,
Before we create the Makefile, lets try to know the kernels directory by typing

We will need this later. Lets create a second file, the Makefile
which is used as a map for C programs compilation and works with the make utility. This line tells where to point for the source. This is the kernel directory.

Remember this name when we typed uname
-r ? Pwd tells where you are in the file system. Make sure to use tab not space when indenting. This line cleans up all files. Save the file and exit from nano,
Lets run make.

Lets look at the new files created. Do you see AboodeSaysHello.Ko? That is our module file. Lets look at the current modules by using
lsmod. Notice that our file AboodeSaysHello
is not listed.

Lets insert AboodeSaysHello.Ko by using
super user do and the insmod command To see if our module has been added, lets
list the modules again. Did you see AboodeSaysHello now? Since its already added, lets see how
it works by using dmesg command. Do you see our initial message? Well done. Lets look at its information by using
modinfo Finally, remove our module by using sudo and

Lets see how it works again by using dmesg
command. Do you see our exit message? Thats a simple application of kernel programming
and is a good start to learn more about the many functions in OS. I surely learned a lot from this course. Thank you for listening..

Jumat, 09 November 2018

Income Annuity Rates - How to find the best quotes for income annuities

Income Annuity Rates
Income Annuity Rates - http://www.Retiresharp.Com
. How to find the best quotes for income annuities? Obtain your FREE ANNUITY E-BOOK by visiting
our website for further education... 1-800-566-1002 CALL FOR ANY RETIREMENT PLANNING
HELP. What are hybrid index annuities and how can
you avoid the most common mistakes that individuals have made when purchasing this newer blend
of retirement product.

Please understand that this video is meant
to help everyday pre and current retirees understand the basics of hybrid annuities,
but the most important aspect is making sure that you are taking the correct steps and
dealing with specialists every step of the way. Rather than play a guessing game with
your retirement options simply call 1-800-566-1002 and speak with a specialist from Ifasi Financial
Group. We just implemented 24/7 customer service
to help service the influx of retirees wanting to obtain peace of mind when planning for
retirement. The best part about dealing with a strategy specialist is
that IT WILL NOT COST YOU ANYTHING!!! There is a new breed of annuity that allows
individuals to obtain the most important aspects of previous annuities, known as the Hybrid

If you are like majority of PRE and CURRENT RETIREES you have not been educated
on how this works. You see a hybrid annuity is exactly how it
sounds; it essentially takes the combination of two or more different types of annuities
and molds it into one. The most effective hybrid annuities in the market place are offered
right here through Ifasi Financial Group. Http://www.Retiresharp.Com/hybrid-annuity Now please understand that we do not like
to place a square peg in a round hole, meaning that if your situation does not correlate
to these types of financial products then we will offer a better suited strategy on
your desired goals.

Too often it is the advisors that are forcing
their clients into rash decisions resulting in pressure. I am here to tell you that you
should never feel pressured and should only be 100% confident before you engage in ANY
type of retirement decision. The truth is that you only really get 1 shot to make things
work, your livelihood depends on it! Annuities can be leveraged as
good financial tools regarding your preservation
and income stage for retirement goals. But why have so many people developed a bad taste
in their mouths once they hear the word annuity? Majority of annuities out there have received
very bad press in recent years and I completely agree with the masses.

one annuity
I believe highly in and typically offer to
my clients a great deal  is the hybrid annuity, because of the features
that were created to eliminate the concerns from
the previous annuity options. Related Terms:
pros and cons of hybrid annuities hybrid annuity rates
hybrid annuity quotes about hybrid annuities http://www.Youtube.Com/watch?V=phB9om4Pu8I..

Sabtu, 03 November 2018

Illinois Lottery To Delay Payments To Winners Of Prizes More Than $600

Illinois Lottery To


















Sabtu, 27 Oktober 2018

Hybrid Annuities vs Pre-Issued Annuities

Hybrid Annuities vs
We have a controversy that we're always kind of in the middle of, and that is which annuity is best in what given situation. Two of our hottest topics are hybrid annuities and pre issued annuities. Eric: All right. Which one's better? Come on.

Tell us. Dick: Just give me a quick answer. Let's get this video over. Eric: That's right.

How do you take care of the answer of which one is best? Let's start with some of the positives on the pre-issued side. Dick: Okay. Eric: You're looking at higher than normal growth. Dick: You're going to get a much better yield.

Eric: Then you contrast that with, on the hybrid side . . . Dick: Hybrid and all fixed annuities.

If you really come down to fixed annuities, fixed indexed annuities, what we call the hybrid annuities, which are the fixed index with the income rider. When you're looking at actual APY, your annual percentage yield, it is not good in fixed annuities or fixed indexed annuities. We might be talking about somewhere between 2% to 4%. Eric: I.

Agree. If we're looking at it simplistically, growth potential, if we're lining up, we put the check under the pre-issued annuities. Dick: Yes. What kind of yield are we looking at there, Eric? Eric: We're looking at 5% to 8%, typically.

Dick: Yeah. I think being realistic without overstating it, you are right; it is 5% to 8%. Eric: He's going to down downplay it. 5% To 6% is where.

. . Dick: 5 to 5 is more standard. If we step into not life-contingent, but what am I trying to say? Eric: When you're using the life insurance backing of [inaudible: 01:48].

Dick: That is what I'm trying to say is life-contingent. I was thinking life settlement when I was questioning. Eric: Which is another video in and of itself. Dick: Another video.

Life-contingent, you can get up into the 8%. I have seen some period certains in the pre-issued that will get up into 7%, that type of thing. With the pre-issued, yes, you can expect a much, much better yield. Eric: The guaranteed yield.

Dick: Yes. Eric: You know what you're getting when you start into it. Dick: Yes. It's backed up.

Let's touch on that again, we did from the last couple of videos. On the pre-issued annuities, it's backed up by the same A-rated insurance company that we might do with a new issued annuities. Safety is there. Eric: Okay.

All right. We've got growth probably edges out on the pre- issued side. Now you take the next step here, and that's . .

. Dick: The hybrid. Eric: You look at the hybrid, and what's the positive in the gross side. You're not necessarily .

. . Dick: Right. Eric: .

. . Not necessarily in the cash account. Dick: If all we're thinking about is yield, we wouldn't maybe choose the hybrid.

Obviously, there has to be something good about the hybrid because there's a lot of people that this works for. Eric: The hybrid is really good for income, guaranteed income for life. Dick: A pension-style income. Eric: Exactly.

When you're taking an allocation into a hybrid, you're usually focused on lifetime income because there are guarantees on the rider that will give you that higher accumulation amount, but it's usually only for income, for future income. Dick: Right. If we need a pension-style income, and we can defer it for some length of time, typically with a hybrid annuity, we can get about an 8% rollup, which will . .

. 7%. Eric: 7%, yeah. Dick: See, I'm overstating now.

Eric: I was going to say. Dick: Things have changed in this rate environment, from what we used to be able to say, even in the recent past. About 7%. Eric: You got the income rollup.

In deferral, those are able to grow at a guaranteed rate, higher than what we say is on pre-issued. However, after the end of your contract period, you're walking-away money doesn't necessarily always grow at that rate. Dick: Correct. Overtime, as you take it out on a pension-style income, you will get it out and you will get the benefit.

However, if you want to take it all out at one time, you couldn't. Another thing I want to contrast between the pre-issued and the hybrid is the flexibility that you have when you're setting up a hybrid. You set it up the way you need it, the way you want it, the way it's going to work for you. When you want a pre-issued, no.

Eric: For me, that's the strongest point. When you're constructing a hybrid allocation, basically a hybrid [inaudible: 04:47] allocation, it's designed for you. You're building it based off of your needs. When you're getting a pre-issued annuity, you're getting something that was designed, basically, for somebody else's purpose.

Dick: Right. You have to be flexible. Eric: Repurposing is what I . .

. Dick: Yeah, repurposing. Eric: It may not always fit like a glove. Dick: Or may not fit, at all.

Eric: You're finding benefit in usually another area. Typically in this time, it's growth, you're getting better growth than you're going to get someplace else. Dick: If you can be patient with a pre-issued annuity and your goal is really yield, you can get that yield to many times be structured the way you want it to come in, rather than lump sums in 5 years, 10 years, or rather it's a monthly income stream. You can still get yield and a monthly income stream, this type of thing, but it isn't typically a lifetime income.

Eric: One of the questions I've been fielding, especially after the last couple videos, is, "Talk to me about these pre-issued annuities. Am I. Going to get a lump sum at the end? Am I. Going to get an income stream? Am I going to get .

. . How does that configure?" The answer was, "Yes." Dick: Yeah. Eric: They come in all those different varieties.

The same set of pieces that are constructed when you're doing a first-issue annuity are out there on the secondary market. The problem is it's not been designed for you. If someone took a 20-year period certain, there may be 16 years left on the piece you're able to purchase. Dick: Right.

If that works for your scenario, then it's an ideal situation to get a great yield, get safety. In this market, where can you get yield like that? Eric: That's the key. Dick: Safety. Eric: I really like the pre-issued market for somebody who's had CDs that are maturing, that just needs a bigger yield.

They say, "Where can I get 5%? I wish I could get 5% again." This is one of those places. Dick: Exactly, CDs. I. Like it also for those folks that come out of the stock market, and they're like, "Look.

I just don't want the volatility. I. Don't want the craziness anymore." Eric: This is predictability, but without flexibility. You have to know it's not money you're going to go back in and dip into.

Dick: Right. Eric: It doesn't always fit for somebody that needs to get a stream of income. It can sometimes, but you don't want to put all of your money in this bucket. Dick: Right.

As we've said, the hybrid annuity has its advantages, because you can tailor it to what you need, what your income needs are, to a husband and wife sharing a joint income; many different areas that you can tailor it to your specific needs. Eric: Yeah. Like you said, pension-style income is the best way. That's the perfect fit for today's 401K world, where you got a lump sum, you're walking, and you want income for life.

You want to guarantee that portion. The hybrid annuity fits like a glove for that. That's where it realizes its strong point. Dick: I think we've done a pretty good job here of being fair to both.

They're both great products, great financial vehicles if they're used properly. Is there any way to say that a hybrid annuity is better than a pre-issued annuity, or a pre-issued annuity is better than a hybrid annuity? Eric: Sure, but I. Wouldn't advise it. Dick: You could say it, but it wouldn't always be true.

Eric: It wouldn't always be true. Like we classically end almost every segment here, it depends on your situation. Dick: It does. You want to work with an adviser that really understands the merits of each and can be fair and unbiased about it.

Eric: Exactly. Like we say, make sure you work with somebody that's going to basically set it in your terms so it fits your situation. Dick: Right. Maybe you need one of each, or a couple of each.

A. Little diversification, imagine that. Eric: Wow. Allocation diversification.

Dick: What an idea. Eric: Thanks for coming in today. Dick: Thank you..

Sabtu, 20 Oktober 2018

How Safe Are Annuities

How Safe Are Annuities
One of the things that continues to be upfront on our client's minds and different ones that we talk to about annuities is, "Just how safe are annuities, really?" Eric: It is a big question and there are some misconceptions. Let's start first with FDIC insurance, but it is not FDIC... Dick: Annuities are not FDIC insured. There's another form of insurance out there that we're not allowed to talk about, if we're trying to sell an annuity.

Eric: That's right. State law here in Illinois, precludes us... Dick: And most other states. Eric: ...

From, let's just disclose. The state guaranty, Insurance Guaranty Association, basically is a piece that's out there and it's often confused with FDIC. Dick: Right, and it's not FDIC. Eric: Because guaranty associations have caps or maximums like...

Dick: Right. Like the FDIC. Frequently, I've had clients bring that question up to me. "What about the state guaranty association?" I've actually called our state guaranty association Eric, and I've said, "What should I do in a situation like this when I'm presenting an annuity and someone's asking me questions about the guaranty association?" One thing that they suggested was, well have them call us, so call your state guaranty association.

One thing that you might want to be aware of is that these caps vary from state to state and that's the difference between the FDIC. The FDIC is federal and federal is absolutely going to guarantee the same for everyone up to $250,000 per account. Eric: Insurance companies are regulated on the state level. Each different state has a Department of Insurance that oversees these.

Dick: Right. In these states, I've seen anywhere from $100,000 up to $500,000, and here in Illinois about a year and a half ago or so it was changed to $250,000 on annuities. Eric: Just to make it more confusing, because that was the same amount that the FDIC was insuring. Dick: Right, so let's talk about what folks should be considering when they're buying an annuity, and we agree that the guaranty association is an added layer of protection, but that is not what you should be considering when you're buying an annuity.

Eric: First and foremost, are the claims paying ability of the insurance company. Dick: Yes, it is. Eric: It's being able to evaluate the insurance company, and its ability to fulfill its obligation to you as a contract holder, and then so the most common thing that people reference is third party agency reports. Now of course, the question we get is...

Dick: There are a lot of third party rating agencies. Eric: ... Which third party, so you've got AM Best, you've got Fitch's, S&P, Comdex. Dick: Weiss.

Eric: So which one do you pick and want? Dick: There's nothing wrong with looking at several of them, however, one thing that we fall back on a lot of times is AM Best, because they really tend to have been around for a good length of time, and that has been their specialty, not regulating but evaluating these insurance companies, and they're very, very thorough, so I like AM Best, but I'll also use some of the others. Eric: Now the question I get asked is, "All right, now I. Look at these reports. Are they going to be in English or are they going to be in...?" Dick: They truly are, you can actually go out to AM Best, and you can put in the company's name and you can read an evaluation on it.

Yes, they have some very in-depth reports that could bore you to death, and good reading to fall asleep to, but they also have summary reports which are much simpler and straight to the point. One thing that I would like to say, that I like about third party rating agencies is that in our experience Eric, when we watch these companies that are doing really well or the companies that are maybe getting into a little bit of trouble that it's a very slow process as a rule. As they, these rating agencies look at these companies and they may go from a positive outlook, to a stable outlook, to a negative outlook. This may take a period of years, just to go through those three stages, before they're actually downgraded.

And so you've typically got time, before a company would go from like say, an A-rated company down to a C-rated company. There's usually a period of years that would happen and it gives us time to evaluate and make decisions. Eric: And most of these rating agencies don't just, it's not your standard grading scale that you got in school, or you're A-B-C-D-F. It's literally, you've got the A++, and when you're looking at those ratings you have to really decipher.

The first thing you have to do is look at the code itself and figure out what is good, what is excellent, and where that kind of transition stands. So if you start to see a company that drops down year after year, more challenge. But you're going to see it move from an A to an A- to a B++, to a B+ to a B. Dick: Right, so you've got time.

These rating agencies are basing this on changes in assets and changes in business climate and so many different factors. I. Think that we need to touch on that, that because each of these companies is regulated by the state, they have a very strict type of accounting. It's called statutory type of accounting.

I look at it as kind of, like a show me the cash type of accounting, as compared to an accrual type of an accounting that might be used with the GAAP method, the generally accepted accounting practices, right. Eric: They're not able to hide the money as well, in a sense of moving it from one area to another. Dick: Hiding expenses or hiding; the state can come in and be very transparent with them and they can see that the investments, the underlying investments that protect the client's assets and funds; are what they should be, high-grade investment bonds or treasuries, this type of thing. Eric: The reserve ratio that insurance companies are required to have, in order to basically just be in compliance with their state regulation, dictates what they're able to kind of put in different buckets and how they're able to spend money.

But the key aspect there is they're going to be in compliance. The state comes in and they're looking at the books, if they're not in compliance, that's when the state starts to move in and take over. Dick: Right. Unlike maybe a larger corporation that would get into trouble and have to file bankruptcy, typically if an insurance company gets into a little bit of trouble the state is watching it way ahead of time.

We have access to third party ratings way ahead of time and what will typically happen, is all of those assets will be moved over to a more profitable company and that's called receivership when that company's put in receivership, and so the client's assets are protected and just moved to a company that's operating more profitably. Eric: The one thing you must understand is annuities are about confidence and confidence in insurance companies, and the insurance industry understands that, because if there was somebody that lost money in an annuity, the whole industry would have a down. Dick: It would hurt the entire industry. Eric: So what we have is an industry that really self-polices itself on a big level, because they want to make sure that, basically everybody's comfortable with these products, and they're confident in their ability to deliver on what they've been offering.

Dick: If you go out and you Google losses in annuities, losses in hybrid annuities, losses in indexed annuities, losses in fixed annuities, now variable annuities it's different, because you actually have an investment and you can lose money in that annuity. But to lose money in a fixed annuity, an immediate annuity you will find that if you Google that type of information, that it's almost unheard of, that anyone has lost any substantial money in annuities because it is one of the safest places, that you can put your money in a retirement style portfolio. Eric: To wrap it up, I think that's probably the best statement we could make, is that historically annuities are one of the safest places to put your money. Dick: Right.

Eric: Thanks for checking us out. Dick: Thank you..

Sabtu, 13 Oktober 2018

Finding Financial Security After Tragedy with a Structured SettlementPrudential

Finding Financial Security
>> If anything can
go well it will and that's the way
we live our life. If anything can go
well, it will. The automobile accident
was in November of '02. I was the second vehicle
into the intersection and making a left hand turn, he
T-boned me at 55 miles an hour.

The injuries from
the accident were so severe I had Bell's palsy
and they gave me some medication to try to get it to settle
the nerve and it ended up that I had a reaction
to the medication and it caused acute
angle closure glaucoma. I've always been a
really active person. I love building things
and sewing and anything that's
hands on and crafty. I love that kind of stuff.

Losing my site was
a huge change. I had to learn to do
things all over again. I guess the thing that I miss
most being blind is not being able to see my children
and how they've changed. I wanted to make sure that I was
able to have the funds necessary to take care of my
medical expenses and bills and things like that.

When the attorney spoke
to me he had mentioned a structured settlement. He wanted to know, you know,
what did my future look like? Was I planning on going
back to work or was I going to be a stay at home mom? Did I want to be able
to have money set aside for college for the kids? What were the specific things
that I was looking for? He took the time to get
to know me which was, and my family's needs
which was huge. That settlement makes sure that
we have a roof over our head and food in our stomach. 30 Days after I went blind
my husband lost his job.

The settlement has given
me more than piece of mind. Had I not had the structured
settlement in place, I can't even begin to fathom the
position that we would be in. It certainly wouldn't be living in a 100 year old
Victorian home on four acres. Being in a position where
we're almost debt free, we can set a little
aside and easily save for things that we want to have.

I was told my sight's
going to be restored. I believe in miracles. You know stuff happens, car
accidents happen, things happen but there's always
a silver lining. You've just got to find it..

Sabtu, 06 Oktober 2018

Financial Rant Annuities in Retirement Plans Suck! (GoodFinancialCents.com)

Financial Rant Annuities
What's going on everybody? Jeff Rose, goodfinancialcents.Com
coming back at you. Today I'm doing something a little bit different. Not so much a financial
tip, today's is actually more of a financial rant. There are a lot of things in our industry
that I get really worked up on and the following is a prime example.

I had a client that had left her job. She
had taken a new position and she had a simple IRA. Simple IRA is kind of like a baby 401K
for small business owners. My rant or the thing that just got me so worked up was that
the owners of the company had taken out this simple IRA with an insurance company.

of having traditional mutual funds, they had an annuity product. A lot of people have their
own feelings on annuities. I don't really want to go down that path, but here is one
instance where I absolutely despise annuities, especially in retirement accounts. She had
left her job.

She had been gone for almost three months, and she wanted to roll over
her simple IRA to her own IRA. We called the insurance company and wanted to find out if
there were any surrender charges because I. Just had this feeling of there being a surrender
charge. Sure enough, lo and behold there was.

She had to pay a 6% surrender to roll her
money out of her old retirement account into her own IRA. It's her money. It's the money
that she put aside, but to get access to it to roll it over she had to pay a surrender
because it was in this annuity product. To make it worse she had six years before she
could roll all her money penalty free.

That burns me to no end. That is why -I'm going to use it, the hate
word- I hate annuities inside retirement plans. I think it's just ridiculous that somebody
has to pay a surrender to get access to their own money. Now it's something that she couldn't
avoid because that was her retirement account and she was doing the right thing by saving
for retirement.

Unfortunately, she found a better position and left. Now to get access
to that money she has to pay a very sizeable, lump sum, surrender charge to get that money. The insurance company did come back with her
being able to do a 10% free withdrawal for that money, so we still have to do 10% each
year. We can do it, and we still haven't decided what were going to do, but nonetheless that
just burns me.

Just be conscious of that. I'm not saying
don't utilize it because it is still a retirement savings tool for you. If you have no other
options out there, I guess it's better than saving for nothing. But still it's my rant.
I do not like annuity products inside retirement plans, especially those that require a surrender
to get access to your funds.

This is Jeff Rose, Good Financial Cents with
a good financial rant. Be sure to check us at the blog, and if you've not checked us
out on Facebook yet, please check out our Facebook fan page. Give us the big thumbs
up. We'll see you around.

Take care. The opinions voiced in this material are for
general information only and are not intended to provide specific advice or recommendations
for any individual. To determine which investment(s) may be appropriate for you, consult your financial
advisor prior to investing..

Sabtu, 29 September 2018

Financial Planning AnnuitiesWhy Invest in Annuities

Financial Planning AnnuitiesWhy
Hello, this financial adviser Patrick Munro
telling you today about how to invest in annuities. Annuities are the ultimate safe money vehicle
for folks to invest their money in. And what happens is you're placing your money, usually
through a financial adviser, through, putting it in to an insurance company. An insurance
company will invest that money under government guidelines so that you can not lose principle.
Each state has a state guarantee association and what they are able to do is make sure
that you and your money is safe going forward.

Because the idea is to put money into the
annuity while you're young and have it there for your future. When you stop working, you
can turn on an income stream because you'll no longer have an income from your work activity,
you'll be retired. The opposite of that is you put it in the stock market and you lose
the interest, there may be a chance that you have to delay retirement. So annuities, of
course, are the best vehicle for that type of accumulation going forward and having a
safe, secure retirement.

That's why you should invest in annuities..

Sabtu, 22 September 2018

Financial Planning AnnuitiesWhat Is the Formula for an Annuity

Financial Planning AnnuitiesWhat
This is financial advisor, Patrick Munro,
talking about what is the formula for an annuity. Many people don't understand how annuities
work, so let me put it simply to you. If you place money with an insurance company, because
an insurance company is the the type of company that handles annuity, it is placed in a vessel
or a policy that grows tax deferred over time. You receive a document to show how much money
you left with the insurance company, and they also give you an annual statement every year.
Well, when you're younger and you place more money with the insurance company, it continues
to grow, and because you're not taking it out during the "accumulation period" which
is the first part of our formula, then you don't have to pay taxes on it, which makes
for a better retirement going forward.

Keep in mind that most annuities, with the exception
of variable annuities, offer you principle protection. The second part of the formula
is the distribution phase. So we have the accumulation phase while you're putting money
in, and now the distribution phase. This is when you take money out in retirement.

that is the formula for annuities. This is financial advisor, Patrick Munro..

Sabtu, 15 September 2018

Financial Planning AnnuitiesWhat Is Fixed Annuity

Financial Planning AnnuitiesWhat
I'm financial advisor, Patrick Munro, today
talking to you about fixed annuities. Fixed annuities are a great investment for folks
to consider investing in, because you have the power of triple compounding. Really, you're
able to put money away and it begins to compound; therefore, you're making money on your own
money. Because it's in an annuity, you don't have to pay taxes on the internal rate of
growth, so you get another layer of growth inside the annuity; that it's not worn down
by the fact that you have to pay taxes on it.

A fixed annuity is a better product than
a variable annuity, which we'll talk about later in this series, because it is not tied
to the ups and downs of the market. You'll always know that you've got a fixed rate of
return, so hopefully, if you bought the annuity from a professional, they'll give you a better
rate of return than is available for the cost of living and inflation, which is a big concern
amongst savers. So fixed annuities are backed by insurance companies. You only want to work
with A rated or better insurance companies for your fixed annuity, and make sure that
you buy from a licensed professional that will help you make this very valuable choice
in going forward for your financial future.

I'm financial planner, Patrick Munro, telling
you about the benefits of fixed annuities..

Sabtu, 08 September 2018

Financial Planning AnnuitiesWhat Is an Immediate Annuity

Financial Planning AnnuitiesWhat
This is financial adviser Patrick Munro telling
you today about immediate annuities. Immediate means immediate in the sense of getting your
money in an income stream. Once you have a lump sum of money and you want to keep it
for the future, but you only want to receive a payment that is for your budget, in other
words, you turn it into an immediate annuity. An insurance company is a company that does

For example, if you take a hundred thousand dollars based on your age, you want to receive
an income stream for ten years, twenty years, or for your entire life, that's what the insurance
company will do. They'll keep the balance of the money back growing at an interest rate,
while you take a payment for your budget going forward, therefore making your money last
a lot longer. If you had the money in your own care and attention during that period
of time you might run the risk of well, blowing the money or spending it on something that
you end up with very little principle. This is a safe way to put the money in the hands
of a financial custodian for your financial future.

Keep in mind that while the annuity
money is with the insurance company, the only time you pay taxes on, is when you take your
payment out at the ordinary rate of income tax. It's a better way to make your money
last longer, using immediate annuities. I'm financial planner Patrick Munro..

Sabtu, 01 September 2018

Financial Planning AnnuitiesWhat Is an Equity Index Annuity

Financial Planning AnnuitiesWhat
This is financial planner Patrick Munro talking
about what is an equity index annuity. Actually an equity index annuity is an annuity that
allows you to participate in the power of the stock market but meanwhile have the benefits
of a fixed annuity. Equity index annuities participate in indexes such as the most common
S and P 500 index. Many people have heard about the S and P.

Inside here are blue chip
companies that you'll recognize. IBM, Caterpillar. Blue chip American companies. And what happens
with an equity index annuity is that you're allowed to participate in market ups but not
the downs which is very key when it comes to preservation of your principle.

Your retirement
principle. It gives you a better rate of return than a certificate of deposit or a fixed annuity
and normally there's a cap on how much you can make in the market. That's the limitation.
However the cap is normally very generous. Set by the insurance company that has attractive

A word of caution. You have to work with an insurance professional that's very
much licensed to work with this hybrid product. Equity index annuities. This is Patrick Munro,
financial planner..

Sabtu, 25 Agustus 2018

Financial Planning AnnuitiesWhat Is a Variable Annuity

Financial Planning AnnuitiesWhat
This is financial advisor, Patrick Munro,
talking about what is a variable annuity. A variable annuity, just like the word implies,
variable is Wall Street's version of what an annuity should be. What they've done is
they've taken mutual funds, which are of course variable in nature, and they've wrapped it
in a sheath of life insurance; therefore, making the benchmark of an annuity. The problem
is that mutual funds are of have the following rules attached to them.

Past performance is
no indication of future value, may lose value, and not insured by any federal government
agency. Those kind of rules are probably not the rules you should be looking for for your
retirement instrument, but you know Wall Street has the ability and the right to offer these
instruments up to the public. For more information on variable annuities, go to their website
at www.Sec.Gov; then of course click on enforcement, and then click on investor alerts, and inside
there you will see various financial instruments, but there is a tutorial from the United States
government on variable annuities; what you should know. Watch for rates, of course, also
watch for fees, watch for charges on the account that normally, fixed annuities and equity
index annuities do not have.

So make sure that you work with a licensed professional
if you're buying a variable annuity, and always have safety of your money in the front of
your mind when you're doing something like this. This is financial advisor Patrick Munro,
talking about variable annuities..

Sabtu, 18 Agustus 2018

Financial Planning AnnuitiesVariable Annuity Drawbacks

Financial Planning AnnuitiesVariable Annuity Drawbacks
This is financial adviser Patrick Munro talking
about variable annuity drawbacks. Like the word implies, variable means up and down.
Most people would like their financial future to go up, maybe stay the same for a while
in stormy times, but never go down. That is the inherent problem with variable annuities.
The other problem is, variable annuities are comprised of mutual funds. Mutual funds of
course have fund managers that have to make decisions and sometimes they're the wrong
ones for you as a fund holder, and if that happens, the fund will go down.

mutual fund managers also have expenses to manage your money. Those expenses come out
of your investment before you get any return. There are other fees to variable annuities,
such as an M & E charge. M & E stands for mortality and expense charge, as well.

essentially a fee for dying. Also, you have in addition to the fees of the mutual fund
you also have internal rates of returned fees, there's also principal protection riders,
where, there if the market was to go down and it ties your money up over an extended
period of time. For more information on variable annuities and the risks that are associated
with them, go on the web to www.Sec.Gov, click on enforcement, then click on investor alerts,
and you'll see variable annuities, what you should know, and it's a tutorial about variable
annuities and some of the risk associated therein. I'm financial adviser Patrick Munro..

Sabtu, 11 Agustus 2018

Financial Planning AnnuitiesTop Annuity Producers

Financial Planning AnnuitiesTop
This is financial adviser Patrick Munro talking
about top annuity producers. I happen to be a top annuity producer and I would like to
share with you how I got to that level of production. It's a situation where you have
to work with a compliant insurance company or companies as a broker. Make sure that all
your licensing is in place and of course you would basically take the time with every client
to solve as much of their financial affairs as you can using annuities as a solution.
There are groups or associations that exist one and most importantly is called the million
dollar round table.

You can google that under MDRT on the web and check out your financial
adviser to see if he is a member of the MDRT. Which stands for million dollar round table.
And if that is the case you know you are working with the very best. I've been a lifetime member
of the million dollar round table since I. Started my annuity practice in nineteen ninety

If you take care of the time and the attention of the client and you stay complaint
with the government as well as the insurance carriers, using ethics as a very important
benchmark, this is the way that you become a top annuity producer. This is Patrick Munro
financial adviser..

Sabtu, 04 Agustus 2018

Financial Planning AnnuitiesStrategy for High-Interest Annuities

Financial Planning AnnuitiesStrategy
This is financial planner Patrick Munro talking
about strategies for high interest annuities. Well, like any financial instrument that you
want to have high interest, with high interest comes higher level of risk. Looking at our
spectrum of annuities, the highest level of risk, we'll talk about in a moment. Let's
talk about the lowest level of risk.

That would be a fixed annuity. That's a declared
interest rate, you know where you stand, normally it's just above the cost of living, but at
least it's 100% safe and guaranteed by the insurance company. Next we have our equity
indexed annuities which allow you to participate in the stock market but there is no possibility
of down side risk. However, there's a cap on how much you can make on your interest
rate which is a risk premium for the protection that's offered on the down side.

Finally if
you're looking for the highest level of interest in an annuity, you'd be looking at a variable
annuity. What it is, it allows you to participate in the stock market linked returns using mutual
funds that are wrapped in a vessel of life insurance, therefore making it a definition
of an annuity. I caution you, though, that variable annuities are just that. When the
market is up, you can get a better rate of return, which is the highest interest strategy
available but the market is down, you also go down and there is normally no protection
on the way down, which means you have to make up for that difference over time.

That is
the strategy for high interest annuities. I'm financial planner Patrick Munro..

Sabtu, 28 Juli 2018

Financial Planning AnnuitiesHow Does an Annuity Work

Financial Planning AnnuitiesHow
This is financial planner Patrick Munro checking
in with you today about how does an annuity work? An annuity is, got several phases to
it. First we have the accumulation phase, where you put money into the instrument, or
vessel as we call it. So, if you have a vessel and you put money into it, that is going to
accumulate, in this case tax deferred. The government has set it up so that you don't
have to pay taxes up to age 70 and a half on the accumulation of that vehicle.

of course, we have the distribution period. Once you're ready to take income from your
annuity you can turn on an income stream through an immediate annuity then your deferred annuity
becomes an immediate annuity over a period of ten years, twenty years, or for your entire
life. However if you choose a ten year, your check will be higher on a monthly basis, the
twenty year, it'll be mid range, and of course it's a lower amount if you choose it for a
lifetime payout. The benefit of the lifetime payout if you have genes in your family that
last a long time, you can end up receiving more money than the insurance company has
had on deposit.

So there's varied selections that you have there that's for your annuity.
This is Patrick Munro, financial adviser..

Sabtu, 21 Juli 2018

Financial Planning AnnuitiesDifferent Annuity Rates

Financial Planning AnnuitiesDifferent
This is financial planner, Patrick Munro,
talking to you today about different annuity rates that are available out there for those
that wish to participate in annuities. Rates are very important whenever you're shopping
as a consumer and annuities are no different. What you want to do is find out companies
that are A rated or better, and these companies compete for your business. What happens is,
they have various reserves on file with the government and because of the instruments
that they work with, some are more aggressive with rates than others.

It's important for
you to have the best rate available because of inflation right now, and in times coming
up in the future will continue to be high. So a higher rate on your annuity assures that
you're beating the cost of inflation. Working with a financial adviser that has access to
the very latest rates from the top rated insurance companies is very, very important for you
to do so. So the key is for you to check out your adviser, ask him if he has access to
the very best rates from the very best insurance companies that are out there, and you too,
will have the horsepower that's required for a successful retirement using annuities.

what we have to say today about annuity rates, I'm financial planner, Patrick Munro..

Sabtu, 14 Juli 2018

Financial Planning AnnuitiesCD vs. Annuity

Financial Planning AnnuitiesCD
This is financial adviser Patrick Munro talking
about CD's (meaning Certificate of Deposit) versus annuities. The basic difference between
Certificates of Deposit, they are bank issued instruments. You give money to a bank, they
give you a piece of paper or a Certificate of Deposit which bears an interest rate. Normally
you have to pay taxes.

Currently CD's are paying, at the time of this filming, about
3 1/2% in interest. If you have to pay taxes on that 3 1/2%, you are receiving a effective
yield after taxes of about 2.9. The problem with that is inflation. Meaning your gas and
your food and various other things is running about 5%.

Annuities, on the other hand, you
are able to give an insurance company, not a bank, but an insurance company, the same
amount of money, they'll give you an annuity certificate in return. Your money is then
tax deferred. Which means you don't have to pay taxes on the internal rate of return.
So normally you are able to get a higher rate of return than inflation offers. And the only
time you have to pay taxes on it is when you take the money out.

So I always don't participate
in Certificates of Disappointment, meaning CDs, but rather work with an insurance company
in an annuity and you will have a better financial future. This is financial adviser Patrick
Munro talking about the differences between Certificates of Deposit, CDs and annuities..

Sabtu, 07 Juli 2018

Financial Planning AnnuitiesBest Pension Annuity Rates

Financial Planning AnnuitiesBest
This is financial adviser Patrick Munro talking
about best pension annuity rates. In today's world a lot of major corporations are cutting
back on inherent pension programs. Your father may have had a pension because he worked for
the company for twenty five to thirty years. Nowadays people work for a company will end
up rolling over their 401k or whatever type of investment that they've achieved in the
short period of time that they've worked for a company to a private annuity.

So it's very
key that you get the best pension annuity rates that are out there. Once you take your
package of money that you have saved from your company, short as your career may have
been. And the way to do that is to make sure that you work with a licensed professional
that will put you in front of the best insurance companies that will give you a pension. That
is to say take a large chunk of money that you've accumulated during your working career
with that company and place it into absolute safety because you don't want to lose that

It took you a long time to put it together and have it grow for your future, so that
ultimately you'll take the money out in payment streams going forward. It's very important
that you have the best pension rates that are offered to you, so make sure you work
with companies that are rated A rated or better. And make sure that your financial adviser
is accredited to do that specific work. This is Patrick Munro financial adviser talking
about best pension annuity rates..

Sabtu, 30 Juni 2018

Financial Planning AnnuitiesBest Annuity Companies

Financial Planning AnnuitiesBest Annuity Companies
I'm financial adviser Patrick Munro talking
today about how to find the best annuity companies. What you want to do, is do your research,
and insurance companies are the companies that do manage annuities. What you can do
is go on to rating services on the web. The best rating services to check out are Standard
and Poor's, you can just basically google that and get Standard and Poor's.

also the Best Rating Agency, just like it sounds, Best, there's Moody's, and there's
also Fitch, F-i-t-c-h. If you find an insurance professional and he's licensed, he should
be able to provide all the ratings from the best insurance companies for you. Then you
can independently verify the ratings that you were given by the insurance commissioner
in the state that you live. Of course, you can call the insurance commissioner and verify
the company by name and they will tell you what the ratings are and if there's any problems
with that company for operating in the state that you live in.

Ratings are very important
because it shows the reserve of capital that the insurance company has for the amount of
policies and annuities that it has outstanding. The higher the rating, the higher the reserves
which means the more safety that you have using your annuities. This is Patrick Munro
talking about the very best ratings of insurance companies..

Sabtu, 23 Juni 2018

Financial Planning AnnuitiesAnnuity Broker Job Description

Financial Planning AnnuitiesAnnuity
This is financial planner Patrick Munro talking
to you about what an annuity broker job description might be. An annuity broker is an individual
that is licensed to sell annuities to the general population. And he must be trained
to handle the wide variety of annuity products that are out there. Fixed, variable, and of
course the equity index annuities as well.

That's the type of a broker that you want
to look with to work with. The typical job description is sitting down with a financial
fact finder and working with the person that is seeking financial advice. Finding out what
their assets are, what their income requirements are in the future and what their current financial
holdings are. Then you are able to minimize risk by transferring some of the variable
assets into a fixed secure annuity format, using either the fixed equity index annuity
or a variable annuity.

That's what an annuity broker would do and this is financial planner,
Patrick Munro..

Sabtu, 16 Juni 2018


- We've got cats, rent any
cat "fur" any occasion. - I rent cats.
- I rent cats, too. - [KD] Want to high five a kitty? - [Kids] Yay! - Want your house to smell like cats? (Inhales deeply) We've got cats! My name is KD Lentworth, CEO. Of 877- CATS-NOW.

- [Announcer] Not JG
Wentworth, 877-CASH-NOW. - We have the tri-state
area's largest cat-alog of feline friends. - This is Tu-paw, she loves cat nip, and hip hop, word. - Rubby likes a good tummy scratch, and loves the fourth of July, we both do.

- Renting the purr-fect cat is easy, just pick up the phone! (Phone rings) Hello there. - [Man] Hey, is this
JG Wentworth, Cash Now? - This is KD Lentworth, I rent cats! You need JG Wentworth,
they can get you cash now if you have a structured
settlement, or an annuity. One thing's for certain, our
customers are cat-is-fied! - After my divorce, I
needed a furry shoulder to cry on, thanks, Mudbutt. (Cat meows) - Patches gives the world's
best back scratches.

I have a skin condition. (Phone rings) - Hello there. - [Woman] Hey, KD, love the cats. - Yes? - [Woman] But what's a
structured settlement, and who's JG Wentworth? - Okay, fine, I will tell you! - [Announcer] KD Lentworth
explains structured settlements! - [KD] Ken runs a red light and hits Paul, Paul gets hurt, the
insurance company agrees to compensate Paul
$60,000.00 For his injuries, which will be paid out as $500.00 A month for the next 10 years, this agreement is called
a structured settlement.

Now, Paul falls in
love, Paul gets married, Paul now has kittens,
he needs a bigger house, but doesn't have money for a down payment. Paul needs cash now, so
he calls JG Wentworth, agrees to sell all or some
of his future payments, and receives a lump sum of cash now. - [Kids] Yay! - Need a cat for a catnap? (Cat meows) We've got cats, if you
need cats now, call 877 - CATS-NOW. - [Announcer] Bad news,
877-CATS-NOW is not real, this was an ad for JG Wentworth.

Ha ha, we got you, good
news, we can get you cash now for your structured settlement,
or annuity payments, just call 877-CASH-NOW, no
animals or humans were harmed in the making of this
video, JG Wentworth, 2018. (Cat meows) - [JD] Seriously, call. - I love you..

Sabtu, 09 Juni 2018

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Sabtu, 02 Juni 2018

Buy Structured Settlement Annuity - buy structured settlement annuity

Buy Structured Settlement Annuity - buy structured settlement annuity
Buy Structured Settlement Annuity - "buy structured
settlement annuity" http://pensionblackbook.Com/secondary-market-annuities . Learn the safest techniques on how to buy
secondary market annuities and never.......... 1-800-566-1002 Secondary market annuities have become very
attractive in recent years and allow individuals to obtain higher benefits than traditional
fixed based annuities, such as immediate annuities, fixed annuities (MYGAs), and fixed indexed
annuities. This video reveals the secrets involved on
how to understand these excellent financial products and why many individuals are leveraging
these assets over primary market annuities.

Derek Ifasi is the go to specialist with primary
market annuities and has created a nationally known website RetireSharp.Com. In this video
he creates easy to understand language on a secondary market annuity and why it is ideal
for income planning. Regardless of age, that can typically hinder retirement income goals,
these financial products can produce set streams of income to leverage for either retirement
planning or basic financial planning needs. Secondary market annuities can be perceived
as an extremely powerful financial tool, but many mistakes are made when not dealing with
the correct specialist.

You need to fully understand the best secondary market annuities
out there and become fully educated on whether or not this correlates specifically towards
your goals. Call 1-800-566-1002 to get a personalized
appointment with Derek. He is one of the most ethical advisors throughout the nation and
has helped thousands of individuals obtain peace of mind when dealing with income planning. Http://pensionblackbook.Com/ Please remember to subscribe to our youtube
channel : ) Related search terms:
secondary market annuities for sale secondary market annuity risk
secondary market annuities pros and cons secondary market annuity rate http://www.Youtube.Com/watch?V=H_wXXjWlnEo.

Sabtu, 26 Mei 2018

Annuities Getting Rid of a Bad One

Annuities Getting Rid
Today we're going to talk about how to get rid of a bad annuity. Well Dick, is there such thing as a bad annuity? Dick: Unfortunately, Eric, there are some bad annuities. Eric: Oh no, don't tell me that. Dick: Just like any other investment you can make a bad decision.

You can buy a bad annuity. The best way I've found, to not have to get rid of a bad annuity, is just not to buy one. Eric: If you don't make the mistake upfront, you don't have to suffer the consequences. Dick: Right, right, right.

So folks do you research, watch our videos, watch other videos. Just read, look at what's out there, and just use some good judgment. Eric: Well, that's a nice summation. Are we done? Dick: That's the video.

Eric: Well, I guess we should define when we talk about bad annuities; it's really a personal situation. Dick: Yes. Eric: It's you end up with an annuity that doesn't fit your financial goals or your objectives. Dick: And it is possible that your financial goals or objectives change, so maybe the annuity wasn't bad originally.

Eric: It's just bad now. Dick: It's bad now and the other thing that we find happens, not so much recently as over maybe the past few years the annuities, folks, have went through quite an evolution, and we believe have reached kind of a level. Where they've; I won't say they've plateaued, but they've come out with these innovative riders, income riders; they've become very competitive with each other and we've kind of seen what would seem to be a leveling off of what we could expect for any of these annuities. Eric: Yeah, and the nice thing is its innovation.

Dick: Yes. Eric: You've got companies, there's competition for your dollars, they want to design the best product that one, creates a need or satisfies a need for you, and those strategies make you money, make the company money, and that's really what they're designed for. Dick: And unfortunately, if you were one of the early ones in, buying the annuities that were available four or five years ago and you compare it to what's on the market today, with the contractual guarantees, you may be a little disappointed. Eric: It's buyer's envy I guess, so if I.

Own one that I bought five, six, seven years ago and it's not meeting my needs... Dick: Or let's say it does meet your needs somewhat, but not as good as some of the newer generations. Eric: All right, so you want to tackle all these? So I've got one of these, how do I go about deciding what's the next step? First of all, can I. Get out of a bad annuity? Dick: Well, the answer to that is always it's your money and it's your decision.

Eric: And it may depend on your annuity, if you bought an immediate annuity most of the time... Dick: That's true, that's true, yes. Eric: That's my one caveat, that if you own the immediate you pretty much... Dick: You've given up your lump sum, so it is your annuity.

Eric: And that's why we always talk about that being a make sure that's the right decision, because usually that's it. Dick: So if it's a deferred annuity there could be some extenuating circumstances, first of all. If it was really genuinely a situation, where that annuity was truly misrepresented to you; it was not what you thought you were buying; there could be some aspects of going back to the company, going back to the agent, but again, this has to be fairly well-documented. That it was misrepresented.

So in those situations if it was truly not suitable, it was misrepresented, it is possible that the company would allow you to get out of the annuity with no penalty, also the possibility of litigation, that type of thing, or going through the state insurance department if it was misrepresented, but let's just say that it was not. Eric: It was just what was available at the time and it's it sounded good at the time. How many times have we made a decision based off of this sounded like a good decision at the time and it might have been the best available at the time. Dick: And now interest rates are low.

Maybe your interest rates have dropped on the annuity. The cap rates have dropped. You didn't get one of the income riders that are now available, so you don't have those contractual guarantees. Well, one of the things that I think that you want to look at first of all is how close are you to maturity? Will that annuity be maturing, and all of the surrender charges will be gone soon? Eric: Now and when we talk about maturity and this is always an interesting thing when I talk about it with consumers, because they say "Well, do I lose my income at the end of that contractual, that maturity period?" Really, it's a surrender time frame typically is what that contract.

You can continue past that surrender schedule period. That annuity's designed to keep going and going and going until... Dick: Right, they still have contractual guarantees in place for the client, even though the money is available surrender and penalty free. Eric: Right, so when we're talking about maturity in this case we're talking about when there are no more penalties that will be incurred by basically, surrender charges.

Dick: So if you feel that your annuity is not what you really wanted, you're only maybe a year or two away from being out of surrender charges, you may want to wait until that couple of year's passes. You'll also have some other alternatives. Even if you're fairly new into the annuity, within a few years or so into the annuity, there's things that you can look at, which could be an offset to the annuity that you have, and the surrender penalties, if the new annuity that you were looking at has a bonus or a market value adjustment. Eric: Now and this is where market value adjustments are really kind of an interesting not well kind of...

Dick: Not well understood. Eric: ... Understood. Dick: Yes.

Eric: Even by some agents. I mean we've seen people that have had problems with understanding them and really they work in two ways. Dick: Yes. Eric: They can be and basically they work as an offset, for the insurance company in case of the change of rates, so what we've seen is they can either be, in addition to the contract at the time of surrender or a subtraction.

Now if the interest rates have gone up... Dick: They're typically then going to add to your surrender charge. Eric: Right, and if the rates have gone down, then we've seen here in the last few years... Dick: Then you would have a positive MVA, where your surrender charge is actually reduced by a fairly large amount on the MVA.

Eric: And I know personally we've seen this happen. So it actually creates an opportunity for some people at times, when they've had an annuity that they're not real happy with, and if things have gotten you think, surprisingly if they've gotten worse, there's usually sometimes an opportunity to offset that surrender with that MVA, and the MVA is not the Motor Vehicle Association. Dick: No, it's not. Eric: It is a market value adjustment, which is a mouthful.

Dick: And not all annuities have market value adjustment, so you have to look at the type of annuity. When I say the type of annuity, an indexed annuity, a fixed annuity, all of those can have market value adjustments, but not all do. Eric: Right, so when we're talking about this in relationship usually, it's on a fixed or a fixed index and that's because of what they're using to reserve. So they've purchased bonds and that's sitting behind it, and so if they have to sell them early that's the reason usually most insurance companies use them, market value adjustment.

Dick: And the reason, another reason folks, why they have the market value adjustment is the annuities that do not have a market value adjustment on the annuity, typically cannot pay as high a rate or have as many guarantees, as the one that has a market value adjustment. They have more latitude in terms of getting higher rates or better guarantees, so that's a good reason to use an annuity with a market value adjustment. Eric: Sure. So there is one way to get rid of a bad annuity possibly, even that still has a surrender involved, because you still may have an offset from an MVA.

Dick: Exactly. Another is the new bonus or a bonus from a new annuity. Eric: Sure. Dick: So that if you have a considerable bonus from the new annuity that can help to offset some of the surrender, combine that with an MVA and the advantages of the new annuity if it makes financial sense, then it can be worth doing.

Eric: And that should be qualified. We're not suggesting you would transfer from one bad product into another bad product. Dick: Of course. Eric: It's got to meet your financial needs and this would only be something we'd recommend, if you've got something that's not working, it doesn't fit, this is an area where you can explore some options to basically, see if there's something better out there.

Dick: Right. Unfortunately, it is a possibility that someone, Eric, would get involved in a bad annuity, and so there has to be different ways that someone could go about alleviating that situation. Eric: Right and one of the things we're talking about is using, usually a transfer of an annuity. We're not talking about doing a withdrawal, and then rolling it into another one, though those are all options, but to avoid bigger taxation penalties even, we'll typically look at transferring from one annuity company to another.

Dick: To another. Eric: So those things will keep you out of taxation penalties. Dick: Yes, so I think that probably the best way to really avoid a bad annuity in the first place is to buy a good annuity. Do your research.

Make certain that it is going to meet your objectives, and then, even if the newer generation annuity does come along, and does have a few additional advantages, if the original annuity that you set up met your retirement objectives, then there should still be some merit there and some good basis for why that was chosen. Eric: Exactly, and you don't want to just throw something. You don't want to throw the baby out with the bath water I guess is the saying, and so make sure you're not making just a rash decision to get something else. Dick: That's right.

Eric: And that's why these annuities do have surrender charges, they do have these pieces, because they are designed to be long term, lifetime income generating products. Dick: Make you think twice about messing up your retirement by ending your IRA or your annuity and that's why these penalties are there. Eric: Right, so as we say, you usually only get to do retirement once, so do it right. Dick: That's right.

There are no do-overs in retirement. Thank you. Eric: Thank you..

Sabtu, 19 Mei 2018

Annuities - The Best Financial Product No One Wants!

Annuities - The
And today, the topic is annuities, the best financial product no one really wants. Dick: Can you imagine that no one would want an annuity, Eric? Is that a true statement? Eric: No, the people I talk to every day, everybody wants an annuity. Dick: But that's different. Folks, the people that we talk to may be someone like yourself that's actually went to our national website, as Eric likes to remind me, international website.

Eric: International website. Dick: But goes to our website and they're already in the mindset of annuities. Eric: Right, they're doing their research. They're doing the background on why this might work for them.

Dick: So we might be just a little bit skewed, do you think? Eric: We're taking it based off an article, and interestingly enough, it was written by an actuary who works for an insurance company. His comment and I love this, "Annuities are not sexy. You hand over your money to an insurance company who then puts you on a seemingly stingy allowance for the rest of your life." Well, that sounds pretty pathetic, if you ask me. Dick: I do have to say that, before I knew much about annuities, many years ago that never entered my mind, never crossed my train of thought.

Would I rather have a new car, a new house, or an annuity? Eric: Rather than an annuity. That's not fair. Everybody would rather have a new car or a new house. Dick: That's right, and really when you think about it, and that's a lot what this article gets into is we built this money up.

We accumulate this money and we like the idea of hanging onto it, controlling it, investing it, whatever we choose to do with our money, but to hand it over to an insurance company and let them give us money back, it's kind of a transitional state that we go through to make these types of decisions, and there has to be a pretty good reason behind it. Eric: I come from a family of educators. I've talked about that before. Eric: You know right now in Illinois, we're fighting.

They're fighting to maintain their pension. Well, what's an annuity really? Dick: It's a pension-style income. Eric: I mean for today's 401k investors they're basically, when you get your retirement you've got this lump sum. Do you want to keep the lump sum or would you rather have a pension? Dick: The vast majority of retirees before they retire and they have this choice, not all companies give this choice; but there are a lot of corporations that will give the employee the choice of a lump sum or a pension.

Now the vast majority choose the pension. They've worked their entire life. Eric: For the seemingly stingy income for life? Dick: Yeah, and yet, even those that would take the lump sum, in many cases will turn right around with that lump sum, and buy a commercial annuity that they feel is a better option, than maybe the pension the company was going to offer. So we tend to get it when it comes to that lump sum that comes from the employer, but yet many times we've worked all of our lives, built up all of this money and what's the purpose of it? Eric: It's mine.

I want to keep it. Dick: What's it supposed to accomplish? Eric: That's exactly it. It's just future spending. It's not savings.

Its future spending is what we've save for, but we don't think of it in those terms. We think of it as "This is money I. Saved. I don't want to give it to somebody and then have them, give me a seemingly small allowance." Dick: Right, and that's where the insurance company's job, their job is to look at risk, to manage risk, to know what's realistic.

You'll have to read this report, folks and kind of get the gist of what this person's saying, because he actually is an actuary and he's really laying out that these insurance companies don't always win on this stuff. Eric: And he talked about annuities are much better-the design and what they payout in today's era, is much better than they were 10-20-30-years ago. Dick: Right, a lot's changed. Eric: You really do have an actuarial advantage to buying an annuity and he admits that, even though I know this advantage exists, I'm not so sure.

Dick: I might be standoffish when I first retire, but maybe as my age advances I'm going to be more apt to do this. This kind of brings me back to a lot of the buzz that is out there and things we talk about with the hybrid annuity but one of the things that appeals so much to folks, on a hybrid-style annuity is that they are able to control that lump sum. What we call majority control the first 10-years or so of an annuity. You have some surrender charges, so you control about 90% of it during that first 10 years, and those surrender charges decline, so after 10 years, you control 100% of it and you still have a lifetime income.

And yet, if you haven't used that money in your account, it can all go on to your heirs, your spouse, whatever is important to you. Eric: Exactly. In his life point, I guess in summation here he talks about you know what? Everybody has, even if you have that lump sum investment you have, usually a portion that's in equities and you have a portion as you get closer to retirement that we should all be moving into those fixed payments, bonds, CD-style. What would be wrong with taking those more conservative assets, turning that into an annuity and then just truly letting your equities run, and knowing you have that guarantee that income coming on? Dick: Well, Eric obviously this is what we talk to our clients about.

We talk to them about balanced allocation. Not putting everything into annuities, not necessarily having everything in the market. Finding that balance that works for each individual, and so to me, he's right along the lines of what we continue to explain to people. Eric: Exactly, yes.

He takes care of the foundation very well. Dick: So Eric, would you say that an annuity is something that no one wants? Eric: All right, there are a few people that want annuities. Dick: Well, folks we're not saying that an annuity is going to be the end- all and the be-all or exactly what you need, but you do want to look at it closely and determine where it might fit into your overall financial picture. We really appreciate you spending the time with us, today.

Eric: You have a great afternoon..

Sabtu, 12 Mei 2018

Annuities - It's Your Choice

Annuities - It's Your Choice
I want to talk to you about something
that's tremendously important to all Californians but especially vital to our most
seasoned Californians our seniors The California Department of Insurance
is the number one consumer protection agency in our state. Our highest priority is protecting
California consumers whether they need assistance finding the right insurance
or protecting them from scam artists. Our Department is here to help.
California seniors have contributed much throughout their lives to better our
communities it is therefore alarming that insurance scam artists are praying
on their good nature. The Department of Insurance is
aggressively pursuing agents and companies that illegally target seniors
and we're working to strengthen state laws to prohibit bad behavior and make
annuity products easier to understand.

But the best way to combat this problem
is to work together. Today I want to share some information
with you in case you are approached by a pushy or deceptive insurance agent. Not all agents engage in
high-pressure sales but some do. The tips and information in this video will make
a huge difference in preventing you from being a victim of a potential

Let's take a look. Deciding when any investment is right
for you as hard enough but annuities can be very complicated
because there's so many kinds of varying terms and different payment plans. At its simplest an annuity is an
investment in the form of an insurance policy issued by an insurance company. You pay money in the form of a premium
to the insurance company in exchange for a guaranteed minimum interest rate to increase the
initial investment.

Then either right away or after a period
of years. The insurance company pays you a monthly
amount either for a set number of years or for the rest of your life. Annuity
policies might sound pretty good but there are things about these
policies that could make them a very bad choice for you, the senior investor. For example, there are often hefty
charges if you want to withdraw some of your money early.

The surrender charges can also apply at
the time of your death and will reduce the amount that your
heirs will inherit. In addition, it often turns out that the
advertised interest-rate applies only in the first year that you put money into
the annuity. Even worse is that sometimes, if the
stock market does badly, you could actually lose money. These insurance policies are very
complicated so you need to be careful that you're
not taken advantage of.

Take a look at the scenes that follow. These are examples of how you can
protect yourself from high-pressure sales tactics. You don't want to end up with an annuity that is wrong for you. At your convenience.

In the comfort of
your own home, of course. With no obligation. We'll give you a call about when we can
set up a time to chat about your particular situation and see what's best for you. So what's wrong with this picture? There's free coffee.

You've learned something that will help
you pass your assets on your children and grandchildren. The fellow seems nice enough. So what's the harm giving him your
phone number? Well let's see another way to handle it. John uh...

I learned a lot today but instead of
me giving you my phone number I would like to get your card so I can find out more information. But if you don't sign the sheet and give
us your phone number I can't call you and you might miss out on something
important. But that's okay John uh... I'll think about it.

I'll talk
to my daughter and uh... I might give you a ring, but
thanks for the food. You're welcome. I know it feels uncomfortable to reveal
to people that you don't trust them.

Even more to the point, this discomfort is what certain
high-pressure sales people and some unscrupulous insurance
companies rely on. But it's ok not to trust everyone. Sometimes we confuse having something
in common with someone as a reason  to trust them. We let them in.

And sometimes that's a mistake. See if you can recognize the mistakes
Mrs. Lewinsky is about to make. [Door bell] Why John.

Why John! I wasn't expecting you. I was just
the neighborhood visiting Mrs. Smith around the corner and I thought
I'd stop by and say hello. Did you see her at the living trust seminar? No, I don't believe I know Mrs.

Smith. Oh, she says she sees you walking your dog.
Well hello there fella... What's his name? Her name is Anastasia.
Oh, Anastasia, like the lost Russian princess. Are you Russian?  Are you Anastasia? No wonder
you wanted some financial advice.

No I'm not Anastasia. But I do have a fondness for Russian
cookies. Can I offer you some?
Why thank you. Well Mrs.

Lewinsky Now that you're the fourth quarter, so to
speak it would be great to make a touchdown,
wouldn't it? And just pass the ball to your son? John what are you talking about? Oh, it's just a little football metaphor
I noticed the picture of your son and I was thinking that a living trust as part of the
financial plan with good investments would make a great gift for him ultimately. Well, I was thinking about getting my
affairs in order. That's why I went to the seminar. But I don't know what I need.

I don't want to be a burden to my son, he has enough on his plate. So, you're looking for a lifetime income that will keep you independent. Well I was only interested in the
living trust. Of course, we can take care of
that too.

Now I'm going to need some information about your current investments and I'll
take care of everything. So it's all set up now. And I'd be happy to drive you over to the
bank so that you can change your name on all the accounts into the name of the trust. But before we go I'd love some more
of those cookies.

Certainly John You know Mrs. Lewinsky you could be making a lot more money
than you are now with those bank CDs and your stock accounts, too. I know all about an annuity that pays
nine percent guaranteed. I don't know how much longer the
insurance company can afford to operate like that.

I told my own mother she should
jump at it. It's an insurance policy because you
pay in the money and it protects you from the ups and downs of
the market while guaranteeing a hefty return. You know I could save you the trouble of changing all your account names too. So if you'll just sign these papers I
can get started on getting your accounts closed out and into
an annuity right away.

That seemed like a pretty normal get-together
didn't it? Well, what happened? John was picking up on all kinds of
visual cues to make a connection with Mrs. Lewinsky. It's a very common way try to gain trust. Perhaps he was just being a good

Or perhaps he was trying to trick her. The Department of Insurance has
investigated cases in which an agent tricked people into emptying their bank
accounts and selling their stocks to pay for an annuity contract. The agent received a substantial
commission and the victims lost money. Mrs.

Lewinsky would have made
more money if she had stayed with her original
investments How could Mrs. Lewinsky protect
yourself against this kind of smooth talker? [Door bell] Oh! John I wasn't expecting you today. Oh I was just in the neighborhood visiting
with Mrs. Smith around the corner and I thought I'd stop by and say hello.

Did you see her at the seminar? I don't believe I know Mrs. Smith. What can I do for you today, John? Uh, can I come in, uh,  Mrs. Lewinsky and get you started on your living trust?
Oh, did I mention that you can shelter your assets in an annuity so that you can get on MediCal? We won't be doing that today John.

I need a chance to look over the information
that I picked up from you. I'll call you when my son can be here
while we talk. What does you son do, Mrs. Lewinsky? My son looks after my money and investments
and we won't be talking without him.

Thank you for stopping by, John. So long. Two heads really are better than one. Always have someone you trust with you
when you're discussing your money or investments Even if the sales person is not a
stranger to you investments and insurance are very complicated.

According to California law, a sales person must give you written
notice that they want to meet with you at your home at least twenty four hours in advance. But if you do find yourself with the
sales person in your house don't be fooled into thinking that he's
going to look after your financial interests just because you have something in
common like an interest in football or cookies. It might be tempting for Mrs. Lewinsky
to just sign something to get rid of John.

Never sign anything on the spot with someone standing over your shoulder. Never sign forms that would give the
agent permission to transfer your money and never, ever sign blank forms. If it's a good deal today it'll also be a good deal tomorrow. The best course of action is to not let anyone into your home but if you find yourself in the living
room with John...

John, it's been very nice chatting with
you today but I'm not feeling very well okay ill disfigurement for me to go
through your files to make sure that we Okay it'll just take a minute for me to go
through your files to make sure that we haven't missed anything that should be
liquidated to fund the Pro-Am guaranteed nine percent annuity that way I can drive into the bank later and take care of everything and get it out of the way. I don't want to be impolite,  but i'd like you you to leave now. Why don't you just sign these
authorizations and I'll make the transfers for you Mrs. Lewinsky that
way you can make sure that you don't miss locking up this stellar
interest rate.

John, I need more time to look over
this information. So I won't be signing anything today. But I'll call you when I've looked it over..
Why don't I just show you to the door. But there's a thirty day free look
period anyway that means you can cancel at any time and get all your money back so you might as well sign then I don't
have to bother you again you can just cancel if you decide
against the annuity you can just put all your money back and put it into the
mutual funds with no consequences Isn't there a tax problem to selling
mutual funds? Well, I won't be signing anything today.

Goodbye, John. Mrs. Lewinsky, you don't have to be
so rude! Annuities are very complicated investments that may not be right for you because they can't lock your money up
for a long time. You need to make sure you keep enough money
outside of the annuity to take care of unforeseen expenses You also need to know what interest rate
the annuity will pay past the first year You'll also need to look at how much risk you
want to take on and decide between an annuity with a fixed interest rate or one that will vary.

Look closely at the terms of the annuity read the documents ask questions to make sure you
understand them and take notes. Don't be a victim! Always know and understand anything you
sign If an offer seems too good to be true it
probably is too good to be true the salesperson insists that you sign
right away That's a danger sign. If it's a reputable deal it will still
be available next week. If you don't understand something ask questions there are no stupid

Never allow someone to try to sell you
insurance or an investment without giving you the time to think
about it and without a trusted friend or relative
by your side. You always have the power to say no! After all it's your money. There's no shame in becoming confused
about financial planning and if you do it's okay to end the talk
at any time. Honest sales people understand and will not pressure you further.

Honest salespeople will not insist that they talk to you alone. The law is on your side. And we are on your side. To help you at any time call the California Department of
Insurance Hotline at 1-800-927-HELP.

Today there are more insurance options
for seniors than ever before. With so many choices picking the right one can
seem like a daunting task the California Department of Insurance
is here to help you make those important decisions we want to make sure you feel
equipped to make informed assessments of your insurance needs and
options. If you have any questions about an
insurance product, agent or broker, don't hesitate to call the Department of
Insurance at 1-800-927-HELP. Thanks for joining us today and we look
forward to hearing from you.
