Sabtu, 23 Maret 2019

Why Does the Court Have to Approve My Child's Personal Injury Settlement VA Attorney Chris Jacobs

Why Does the
Hi. Im Chris Jacobs with the law firm of
Kalfus & Nachman. Im a personal injury attorney here in the state of Virginia. We
handle many different personal injury cases and some of the cases we handle are children.
A lot of questions I get are cases such as why does the court have to approve my childs
personal injury settlement? Well, thats a good question and I answer these questions
all the time.

One of the answers to that question is a child is under 18 so a child cannot contract.
Plus, a child cannot sign a statement saying the case has been settled. So the court has
to approve that settlement. The court is there to help the child and protect the child and
to make sure he gets a fair and equitable settlement. Also, the defense has a right
to have the court intervene and make sure that the case has been settled.

Because children
cannot enter into a contract, a lot of settlements are approved by the court and the court is
there to make sure that the child is protected. Hes protected against his own attorney,
hes protected against his parents and protected against the defense. In many instances, the
court is there to approve the settlement because the child or a minor  or somebody who is
under 18  cannot carry on their own finances. So the court intervenes and makes sure that
those monies that the child receives is safeguarded.

This is where the court orders the money paid
into the court or a structured settlement is negotiated. Now you may ask what a structured
settlement is and thats a good question. A structured settlement is where a company
protects the money for a child and pays the child out in certain increments. This provides
for many things such as the childs money is increasing in value from interest and theres
no tax consequence on it.

Im Chris Jacobs with the law firm of Kalfus & Nachman. Im
a personal injury attorney here in Virginia. Thank you for watching. Im here to answer
any of your questions, just call the number below..

Sabtu, 16 Maret 2019

When are Immediate Annuities Better than a Hybrid Annuity

When are Immediate
Today, we want to talk about immediate annuities and do a little
comparison with immediate annuities and why you might consider an immediate
annuity. Eric: One of the things we often hear, in today's world, where you have
this hybrid annuity, which gives you lifetime income as well as some other
bonuses/extras, why would you ever want to actually look at using an immediate
annuity, where you're going to give up your assets? Dick: Right. That is the
difference, Eric. When we think about the hybrid annuity, it's kind of your cake and
eat it too annuity, where you can get your lifetime income, but you don't have to
give up your asset.

Yet, there is a place for an immediate annuity. In fact, let's
do a little history lesson. How about some trivia here? When we think about an
immediate annuity, it literally goes back to the early Roman Empire. They called it
the "annua," and that's where the word annuity comes from.

So it is a very early
form of an annuity, and it has really gone through the test of time, spanned the
centuries. Eric: So next time you have your toga on, you'll know to get your
annua language out. Exactly. It's an old standard.

It was the first kind of annuity
out there, the standard lifetime annuity. You gave up a lump sum, and you got a
lifetime income stream. Dick: It is probably the truest pension-style income.
In fact, immediate annuities, a lot of companies will offer a choice of a lump
some or an immediate annuity. Eric: I.

Talked about immediate annuities with a
lot of clients, when they were saying, "Hey, I've got a 401(k). I want a lifetime
income. What can I do to get my own personal pension?" Dick: Yes. Eric: That's
kind of how we think of it.

The thing is you're usually giving up that 401(k) in
exchange for that lifetime income stream. Now, the big thing here is you realize
that none of those dollars are going on to heirs. Dick: Yes. Well, in a true pension,
there's no money in a pension, as a rule.

When you have a pension, when you pass,
the money ends, or if you've chosen a survivorship option, you've probably taken
a little bit lower payment on your pension, and then some of those payments
will go on to perhaps a spouse. Eric: Exactly. When I grew up, my parents were
educators. So they had a traditional kind of benefit program, where they have a
retirement that's there as long as they live.

The bad thing is, once they're gone,
nothing goes on to me. Being a little self- serving here now. The 401(k) plan .
. .

Dick: Why didn't they get a hybrid annuity? Eric: Exactly. Why can't they get
a hybrid annuity? So when they're looking at it, that's the old style. The hybrid,
on the other hand, allows you to pass some of those dollars on to heirs typically.
Dick: Right. So, really, where the immediate annuity fits, let's just give
some examples.

Someone who really wants to start income right now. Eric: With an
traditional immediate annuity, typically you're going to get a higher payout than
you would with a hybrid. Dick: Yes. Eric: You're going to start with a little bit

. . Dick: Typically. But we have seen a few instances where .

. . You've
got to run some illustrations to know. Eric: Exactly.

So that's one of the things
that when people are going that direction, that's usually the reason. Dick: General
assumption is you're going to get more income. Eric: A little bit more. A higher
percentage to start with.

Dick: Right. Then the other key factor would be that,
perhaps, if you're going to use an immediate, you really aren't as concerned
about giving money over to heirs. Eric: Right. Are there ways to get money on to
either survivors or heirs? That's one of the things we .

. . Dick: With an
immediate? Eric: An immediate annuity. You can structure it so that it's a joint
lifetime payout.

So if you and a spouse purchase an immediate annuity, you can set
it up so that it is the lifetime of both of you or either of you. Whoever lives the
longest, those payments will continue. There are little tweaks that you can even
do there, where you can set it up so that once one passes, it sometimes reduces by a
percentage. Dick: A percentage, so they only get three-quarters or one half of the

Eric: Right. The other way that you can somewhat pass on dollars to heirs
is there are a couple of things. You can do a period certain, where it's lifetime
with a certain number of years guaranteed. A lot of times you'll see somebody do a
lifetime annuity with 20 years guaranteed.

So that 20 years of payments is
guaranteed. Dick: So if I pass in 5 years, somebody is going to get another 15 years
of payments. Eric: Correct. Dick: But what does that do to my income? Eric: It's
going to reduce your payments.

You have to realize going in, if your goal is the
highest payout possible, you don't want to add any of these other pieces. But if
you're wanting to try to pass on money to somebody, that's a way of guaranteeing
basically that some of that comes back. One of the things I always look at is
either the installment refund or the cash refund, which says once you purchase the
immediate annuity, if you haven't gotten back at least what you paid in principal
wise, that amount will be refunded either to your heirs or to your estate. Dick:
Well, isn't that the installment refund? Eric: The installment refund keeps the
payments coming back to your return of principal.

Dick: Okay. So you're talking
about the full lump sum. Eric: Yes, just a refund of whatever you've put in, so it's
either a lump sum or installment refund. Dick: One of the biggest vulnerabilities
that Eric and I look at with our clients, and what we think you should be concerned
about, is inflation.

That is probably one of the biggest vulnerabilities we face. We
have had historic inflation the last 4 decades of over 4%. We believe that the
stage is really set for some higher inflation over the next two or three
decades, which is going to cover most retirees. So if we would happen to go
through a stretch of 4% or 5% - I'm not talking about runaway hyper third world
country inflation - but if we're talking 4%, 4.5%, 5%, 6% Inflation, that makes
that immediate annuity, if you have no inflation cost of living adjustment, a
COLA on it, it really puts you at a disadvantage.

Eric: Yes, especially if
you've got longevity in what you're looking at. You realize you're taking a
level payment and you're stretching it over your lifetime. So your purchasing
power is going to diminish with inflation. Dick: Right.

So one of the things that we
do suggest, very strongly, is that whatever type of annuity, whether it's an
immediate annuity, a hybrid annuity, a deferred annuity where you're deferring it
for a long time, that you're really taking inflation into account. There are
different ways to structure for inflation, but if you're not taking it into account,
you're really setting yourself up for a bad situation. Eric: Right. That's another
aspect that you can add to an immediate annuity.

Some of them you can add a cost
of living adjustment. Others have a fixed percentage. Dick: Tied to a consumer price
index or a fixed percentage. Eric: So those are things you can add, but you
realize you're going to start lower.

Dick: Your payments are going to start lower.
Right. Eric: So it's all about the tradeoffs. Dick: I love the idea of a real
cost of living adjustment. So if things get carried away and we start seeing 5% or
6% inflation, we've covered a major vulnerability in a retirement plan.

Yes. That's what we're looking at here. When we're looking at immediate annuities,
we're looking at you creating your own personal pension. Dick: yes, that's right.
Eric: If you're into this marketplace, where you're going to create a personal
pension, and you have that magic number you know that you need to hit and you can
anticipate the growth, that's where this product really comes in.

Dick: So if we're
to kind of wind up this discussion on immediate annuities, being a true
pension-style income, where would we summarize that this is going to fit? What
type of person should buy an immediate annuity, should really consider it for
their retirement portfolio? Eric: I always say it's someone with no heirs, that
doesn't have to worry about passing on dollars to somebody in the future. They're
not worried about that. They want the highest payout now, and that's really the
person that I start with. Dick: Right.

I think that, in winding this up,
we just want to say, do a fair comparison. You may be the ideal person for an
immediate annuity, but get with a professional advisor, run some
illustrations, compare it. We have actually seen situations where a hybrid
annuity can right off the bat outperform an immediate annuity. It's not often, but
it does happen.

Eric: Yes. Very good. Dick: Thank you. Eric: Have a great day..

Jumat, 08 Maret 2019

Tax Free Annuities, Limited Supply!

Tax Free Annuities,
Today, we are talking
about tax-free annuities. Dick: Better get them while they last, Eric. Eric: They are in limited supply. When their
shelves are empty, they are all gone.

Dick: That is right. Eric: You better act quickly. Dick: How about that? Tax-free annuities;
isn't that the opposite of what we're told? Stereotypically, annuities are
taxed at ordinary income tax rates, just like IRAs. Eric: You know what the CPAs are calling right
now, "They are wrong.

The tax-free annuity doesn't exist." Dick: Our phone's going to be blowing up. Eric: They'll tell you it doesn't exist. I
have not seen anyone advertise for a tax-free Annuity. Dick: Here we have a limited supply.

Eric: That is right; we've got them in short
supply. Dick, you got to tell us, how does one get one of these limited
supply annuities? Dick: Here we go. What we have is no different
than what you have, and that is you have your traditional IRA, that IRA
can be converted to a Roth, of course, you will have to pay your tax the
following year. Eric: They are not tax-free then.

Dick: You have to pay the tax in the IRA. Eric: It's the first, okay. Dick: Folks, once that you've actually converted
to the Roth, you can then put that money into an annuity. That annuity
becomes fully tax-free.

It can give you a tax-free income for the
rest of your life; it can pass tax-free to your heirs. It can actually
become a retirement account for your heirs. There's some intricacies
to that, which we can talk about. The idea of using a Roth strategy
in an annuity is not that well-known, it's not talked about that
often, and it can be a great advantage.

Eric: We say limited supply; why do you say
limited supply? We've Roths for how long? There's been a recent change though,
it used to be there was an income threshold out there. Dick: In 2010 they wiped it out. If you make
over $100,000, it doesn't matter, you can convert. Limited supply, we're
having a little fun with this, folks, like an annuity sale.

limited supply really comes down to Uncle Sam giveth . . . Eric: And Uncle Sam taketh away.

When someone's
looking for tax dollars . . . Dick: Our government needs money.

Eric: If you believe taxes are going up, raise
your hand. If that is the case, is better to then . . .

Dick: It is likely that Roth could be an endangered
species. Eric: Roth will turn to Moth. Dick: It could. Eric: It is going to mothballs very soon.

Dick: Getting poetic. Eric: Yes, I am trying to rhyme. Dick: If we're in this situation where taxes
were likely to rise, the government is looking for revenue, the Roth
advantage benefit could be closed, tightened up. What we really experienced
in the past Eric, with various insurance products and tax advantages,
as long as they were entered into legally and under IRS and
government-type sanctions, then usually, there was a guy in there who
grand fathered in.

It's the new folks coming in that were somewhat penalized. Eric: usually, they won't go back and try
to take it away from you, usually. Right now we believe that if people
get it in before the government decides that this money is too
tempting, we've got to reach in there and get [inaudible: 03:46]. Dick: We can just let these people this tax-free

Eric: Or their kids or their grandkids. Dick: That's where we go into it is potentially
limited supply. Folks, this is something you genuinely want to consider,
you want to use an advisor that really understands the Roth-IRA,
the tax advantages, and the ways to incorporate that into annuity.
Eric, I'd like to point out another thing while I'm thinking about it
here; there's different ways to convert an annuity to a Roth-IRA. We could
use an existing annuity that's an IRA.

Eric: You are saying if I own an annuity that
has an IRA wrapper with it already . . . Dick: You can convert it.

Eric: I don't have to convert the annuity?
I don't have to go get a new annuity? Dick: You do not. You can actually convert
that annuity in to a Roth. Even better, in some situations where you're doing
proper planning and you know in advance that you're going to be converting
this, you may want to go ahead and convert your Roth inside your
present account then transfer the Roth into an annuity, if that
was the purpose or the reasoning; pick up that 10% bonus, tax-free,
8% bonus, or whatever you get with the annuity. Again, as maybe you
have an income rider.

I'm getting too much here Eric: I just got a tax-free bonus. Dick: It is just the whole package of being
tax-free, and the fact that if you put an income rider on it, that you're
going to have potentially tax-free income. Even if your account value
goes to 0 because you have lived a long, long life, your income will
just continue tax-free. Eric: Obviously, there are standard benefits
of the Roth that you don't have to worry about RMDs; the transfer of
wealth tax-free.

In many ways, it [inaudible: 05:44] life insurance.
One thing that I was looking at earlier was the Social Security
Tax aspect. The reason that comes into play, even with annuities with
IRA wrapper, a lot of times you are going to take those RMDs that are
going to kick that Social Security income level to a level that's taxable. Dick: It really can push it up in to that
taxable. Eric: If that is one of the things you can
potentially avoid by converting it into a Roth, there's even sometimes that
it's .

. . Usually, the rule of thumb used to be you want to be able
to pay for that conversion, those taxes basically, out-of-pocket.
You don't want to reduce your balance. Dick: Exactly.

Eric: Some of the formulas that we've looked
at actually said, "You can save more on the backend by not having those
RMDs force you in to a higher taxable consequence." Now we're talking
all sorts of fun things. Dick: I think a lot of it, Eric, gets down
to; do we believe taxes are going to go up? If you believe taxes are going
up, folks, raise your hands. It's unanimous, no hold-outs. Most
rational folks .

. . Eric: And some irrational. Dick: .

. . Believe that taxes have nowhere
to go, at least for the next 10 or 20 years, but up. It's a perfect place
to look at Roth and say, "Whether I'm going to use the money or I'm
going to pass it to my heirs, I want to protect them from increasing
taxes." Eric: If nothing else, it needs to be one
of the things you consider for your retirement future, is how it will impact.
Work with a good advisor, discuss the possibilities, and it
should be one of those pieces that's on the table.

Taxes are going
up; limited supply. Dick: That's right. Get them while they last.
Thank you. Eric: Have a great day..

Jumat, 01 Maret 2019

Structured Settlement Payments Guarantee from Settlement Capital Corporation

Structured Settlement Payments
Hi, I'm Debbie Rosen, the President and CEO
of Settlement Capital Corporation. I'm here today with my personal guarantee that when
you sell your structured settlement or annuity to us you'll come away with more money, and
you'll be happier with the experience. There are three great reasons why you should
call us to get a free quote. First, you'll get the most cash when you sell to us our
financial resources allow us to pay you more money.

We're very careful with our budgets
and we don't spend waste millions on expensive TV commercials. Second, no one can get money to you faster
than Settlement Capital. We know the ins and outs of this business. We've been buying settlements
for 23 years, and are a founding member of the National Association of Settlement Purchasers.
Our connections run deep.

Third, you'll get the best service anywhere
when you deal with us. If you're tired of getting pesky collection calls from your landlord,
mortgage company, or other lender, once the wheels are in motion to get your cash, we'll
call them for you and explain that money is on the way. And if you need money fast, let
us know and we'll advance you cash as soon as you qualify. Get started by calling us toll-free at 800-959-0041
or complete our contact form and we'll call you at your convenience.

No obligation. No
pressure. We promise..

Jumat, 22 Februari 2019

Structured settlement money for new home improvements pay off mortgage

Structured settlement money
At Settlement Capital, we change lives. Listen
as our agents recall a few memorable stories. Many people are able to pay for their college
education and not have student loan debt once they did graduate. I have enjoyed seeing people
buy their first home, I've enjoyed seeing people sell their home and upside and get
the larger home for their expanding family.

There are a lot of happy things that people
have sold their payments for that have turned out in a positive way. I had an annuitant who after working with
him and making sure he had enough to take care of his financial needs, which in his
case he needed to pay up his mortgage because he was about to lose his home. We became friends.
And from time to time we would just talk. He would call me just to talk.

And I would
want to know how his wife was, how his family was, by then he know that I had gotten married,
he would ask me about my husband. I've helped many people achieve their goals
through selling their annuities. One in particular is a man in Ohio who came across an uncertain
time but was able to a college education for his kids by selling his annuities. I'm reminded
as well of another opportunity I had to assist one of our customers who was in desperate
need of some back surgery.

But with lack of insurance they were in a tough spot. But with
selling their annuity we were able to get them surgery they need in a timely fashion. You can trust that what you'll hear from us
is the real deal and you'll get it in writing. We even give you our best price guarantee.
You can't lose! Call us toll free at 800-959-0065 and ask for any of our professional and compassionate
funding agents.

They'll listen to you and in minutes you'll
have your free quote in your hands. No obligation. No pressure. We promise..

Jumat, 15 Februari 2019

structured settlement loan

structured settlement loan
LOANS. When dealing with civil law, especially personal
injury lawsuits and legislation involving accidents, plenty of potential lawsuits never
see the inside of a courtroom. This is because the plaintiff accepts a settlement
from the defendant or, very often, from the defendants insurance company. In order to reach a settlement, the plaintiff
agrees to discontinue the legal action and the defendant or his or her insurance
company agrees to arrange for payment.

That payment could be all at once in the form
of a lump sum, or could be over time in the form of a structured settlement. Structured settlements result in plenty of
payouts over time and the total amount could be higher because the entity paying has more
time to pay. As explained in FindLaw
With a structured settlement, a defendants insurer typically funds an annuity policy
for the plaintiff. An annuity produces a continuous stream of
income over the term of the structured settlement.

Annuity contracts can be quite complex to
cover a variety of expected expenses. A structured settlement may provide a plaintiff
with a substantial tax benefit, the piece continues. Many lump-sum settlements are considered
income and must be claimed on tax returns. Funds received from an annuity are tax-free
as long as the plaintiff does not control the funds.

Plaintiffs who receive lump-sum settlements
often spend everything within five years. Afterwards
many become dependent on the government for their support. With a structured settlement, the funds are
preserved throughout the time of plaintiffs disability. Annuity funds must be managed by a professional.

Proper financial planning will help make sure
plaintiffs have enough funds to cover future expenses. Parties may tailor annuities to cover a plaintiffs
specific needs and all sorts of future demands or contingencies. In most state annuities are protected by state
insurance laws that guarantee the obligations of a bankrupt insurer will be covered. A lump-sum payment may be combined with a
structured settlement to meet immediate expenses such as medical bills, repayment of debts,
rehabilitation costs, and the like.

Parties can dedicate funds of a structured
settlement to cover unanticipated advances in medicine so that if medical science develops
a miracle cure the plaintiff can give it a try. A structured settlement may allow parties
who are far apart in their settlement negotiations to close the gap and reach an agreement acceptable
to both the plaintiff and the defendant. Among the liabilities of a structured settlement
are the fact that if the plaintiff retains too much control over the structured settlement
proceeds, the IRS may look at the situation and decide that the tax break must be forfeited. A plaintiff may fear that, no matter how the
settlement protects against negative economic conditions such as inflation or recession,
unknown changes in the economy could make the annuity payments too small.

Sometimes, an annuity is placed with brokers
who do not have sufficient protection for insolvency (when financial obligations outweigh
assets). Insurance companies are usually reluctant
to disclose how much they will have to pay to buy an annuity covering the amount of the
settlement. A structured settlement frequently costs insurance
companies much less than it would to make a lump-sum settlement. Without this information, however, the plaintiffs
attorney may not be able to make a complete assessment of the benefits and drawbacks of
a settlement offer.

In many circumstances, a settlement may be
a faster, cheaper, and less stressful alternative to trial. An experienced personal injury attorney can
discuss the facts of your case with you and help you decide whether a structured settlement
would be your best interests. A structured settlement can be sold for a
lump sum of cash now. Because the present value of money,
particularly in an environment of high interest, is lower than the amount of the deferred payment
the lump sum received is typically less than the total value of the annuity payments.

The assumption is that the borrower is willing
to exchange that higher total value for the benefit of the lump sum funds immediately
In other words, money now is worth more to the person spending it than a greater amount
of money later, but in the eyes of the lender, the exchange is one of a greater amount of
value in future payments versus the cost to the lender of the lump sum paid out now. But should you sell your structured settlement? Should you borrow against all or part of it? For that matter,
links http://paymaster.Co/structured-settlement-loans/.

Jumat, 08 Februari 2019

Structured Settlement How To Stop Debt Collection Calls

Structured Settlement How
When you need cash right away, and need someone
to make the calls to your landlord, mortgage holder, car loan company, utility provider
or other creditors to explain that money is on the way, you can count on the professionals
at Settlement Capital to help you buy time. If they've told me my landlord is needing
the rent, I'll make a call to the landlord depending on what the situation is. If we
can, we will get a check cut to the landlord immediately. If they're telling me that they're
being faced with their car going away, or their lights cutting off, then we will go
above and beyond to make sure to get some money in their hands so that they can satisfy
that debt right away.

If someone's house is being foreclosed on,
or a car was going to be repossessed, or things of that nature, landlord about to evict the
person, trying to contact whoever it is and let them know there is a transaction in place.
And the seller does want to pay you, it's just going to take a little bit of time, and
a lot of times we can buy time that way. Aren't these the kind of folks you want on
your side? We work hard to come through for you and we keep our promises. Call us toll-free
at 800-959-0065 and ask for any of our professional and compassionate funding agents. They'll
listen to you and in minutes you'll have your free quote in your hands.

No obligation. No
pressure. We promise..

Jumat, 01 Februari 2019

structured settlement companies

structured settlement companies
What is a Structured Settlement? A structured settlement is a legal, financial
arrangement whereby tax-free periodic payments are made to a claimant as resolution for a
personal injury tort claim. Lump sum payments alternatively are made all
at once and are taxed by the government. Structured settlements became more widespread
over 30 years ago, in 1982. Congress passed legislation that amended the
federal tax code that advocated for the use of structured settlement in physical injury
cases as each payment wouldnt be taxed.

The action was called the Periodic Payment
Settlement Act of 1982. Today, property & casualty insurance companies
having the responsibility of paying out funds as per the structured settlement arrangement
can transfer its obligation to a third party (or a qualified assignment). If the claimant consents to the transfer of
the periodic payment obligation, the property & casualty company will not have to make future
payments. A qualified assignment company must meet the
criteria determined in Internal Revenue Code Section 130 [3].

This qualification acts as validation for
federal income tax purposes. Under Section 130, the amount received is
not included in the income of the assignment company. Without this provision, assignment companies
would owe federal income taxes on assigned cases, and would have no resources from which
to make the payments. If you are currently receiving payments, you
have the option to sell your structured settlement for a lump sum.

RSL Funding can get you the money you need
when the need arises by taking a small percentage of the overall amount. With the help of RSL, you no longer have to
settle for the original structured settlement schedule. You get your awarded money faster, when you
need it most. Choosing RSL Funding
Its possible that you have seen TV commercials or have been sent information from other structured
settlement companies promising you the best price for your payments.

At RSL Funding, we dont rely on gimmicks
or catchy jingles to get your attention. Instead, we let our reputation speak for us. If you still want to do some research on your
own, start by checking with the Better Business Bureau. The BBB will be able to give you some accurate
information on customer service practices of major structured settlement companies.

When viewing complaint statistics, pay close
attention as to whether the issues were resolved. Why Sell Your Structured Settlement? The saying goes, The best things come to
those who wait. Well, that isnt always the case. When financial need arises, waiting for your
structured settlement payments to come in may do more harm than good.

If you need a lump sum to cover expenses,
pay your mortgage, pay outstanding medical bills, buy a new car to get to and from work
or for any other reason, selling your structured settlement could work in your favor. Unlike pay day loans or get-rich-quick schemes,
your scheduled payments belong to you and you do not have to pay them back. For a small percentage of your overall payment
amount, RSL Funding can buy your structured settlement or annuity, putting you on the
road to financial freedom. No more waiting by the mailbox.

No more stressjust the peace of mind knowing
that you have the cash you need, when you need it. Why Sell Your Structured Settlement Now? The initial reasons for opting for a structured
settlement depend on the circumstances. Perhaps you were in an accident, and the settlement
was put in place to support you in the event that you could not work at some point in the
future. Perhaps it was meant to be used as a retirement

Maybe, it was a conscious personal finance
strategyyou wanted to tuck money away for a rainy day and gradual payments could help
you do it. Whatever the reason, your situation may have
changed. Use your lump sum to:
Pay bills Buy New Furniture
Pay for College Start a Business
Start a New Investment and Much More Why You Should Use a Structured Settlement
Annuity Calculator Many people with a structured settlement or
annuity find themselves in the predicament of needing a lump sum of cash in a short amount
of time. RSL Funding is a viable option for those needing
their cash sooner rather than later.

In these pressing times, its important
to understand the principals of calculating just how much your structured settlement or
annuity is worth. Using a structured settlement annuity calculator
is one of the easiest and best options for determining just how much money you would
be receiving. Because there are varying circumstances for
which people are looking to consolidate a settlement, you should be familiar with the
different types of calculators. These calculators are often available for
free on various web sites, and they allow you to calculate the present value of your
structured settlement or annuity.

Types of Structured Settlement Annuity Calculators
When it comes to calculating the value of your structured settlement and annuity, there
are three main types of calculators all with slightly different functions: the discount
rate calculator, the effective rate calculator, and the present value calculator. Familiarity with all three will help you determine
which option is right for you. Discount Rate Calculator With a discount rate calculator, you can assess
the present value of your future payments, which is commonly referred to as the discount
rate, of your structured settlement. The typical discount rate for selling your
structured settlement is currently between 8 and 14%.

Effective Rate Calculator The effective rate calculator factors in the
nominal annual rate (often referred to as the stated rate) and effective discount
rate to determine how much your structured settlement is worth, should you choose to
sell it. Before using this calculator, find out how
the effective discount rate is compounded (continuously, daily, weekly, monthly, annually
etc.). Present Value Calculator A present rate calculator establishes the
present value of your future payments should you decide to sell all or part of your structured
settlement or annuity. The present value refers to the lump sum a
company offers you for the payments you will be receiving.

By using either the discount rate calculator
or the effective rate calculator you can often better calculate your discount rate. The discount rate is then used in calculating
the present value of your structured settlement. Though there are no guarantees the values
you receive from the calculators are what companies will give you for your structured
settlement, the numbers you obtain provide a good starting point when negotiating with
companies about selling your structured settlement for a lump sum payment. Weve made it easy for you to find out how
much your annuity is worth.

Just enter in your details into the form below,
and one of our experienced representatives will get back to you with the true value of
your annuity payments. If youre looking to sell your annuity,
structured settlement, or lottery winnings, RSL Funding will be sure to give you the most
money. 4 Important Tips on Selling Structured Settlements Sellers of structured settlements ought to
give major consideration to the prospect of whether or not the sale of a structured settlement
is indeed the ideal choice for their particular situation. Let us suppose that you already have thought
this decision through quite thoroughly, and youve concluded that it is the best choice.

In such a case, here are some tips covering
a few potential issues to watch out for. Tips on Selling Structured Settlements
Tip #1: Do not succumb to undue pressure to sell You need only sell your structured settlement
if and when you are truly comfortable doing so. If you even have an inkling that the deal
is not legitimate or fair, and the buyer appears to be attempting to modify the original agreement,
or tack on extra costs, simply do not finalize the deal. If the buyer seems to be trying to scare you
into signing off on the agreement, pause for a moment and refrain from going through with
it until you are certain that you are ready.

Tip #2: Read over all the fine print Go over any paperwork you receive thoroughly
to make sure that the structured settlement buyer is staying true to the price he or she
originally quoted. Request ample information and make certain
you completely understand what the agreement entails. If you encounter a defensive buyer who acts
suspicious and uncomfortable with your reasonable questions, you have every right to walk away. Tip #3: Be wary of questionable promises The majority of all structured settlement
transactions require a minimum of 1-2 months to finalize.

With this in mind, if a structured settlement
buyer claims he can get the deal squared away in an unrealistically short span of time,
he or she is most likely baiting you with a false promise. The same goes for overtly large offers. As with anything, if it sounds too good to
be true, there is a chance it is. Use good judgment in this regard and be careful! Tip #4: Never take the first bid that is offered
to you You need to obtain bids from various competing
structured settlement purchasers.

Even when the very first offer that you receive
piques your interest, always await competing offers before making a final choice. It is also important to keep the bids you
have received private from other potential bidderseven if some potential buyers inquire
on the offers you have received up to that point. This approach can help you to make sure you
are given neutral, unbiased bids. So there you have it; our tips on selling
structured settlements.

When you know what to expect, youre more
likely to make an informed decision about who will have the opportunity to buy your
structured settlement. Remember, RSL Funding will always be in your
corner. Below the video links are very important the Better Business Bureau
http://www.Bbb.Org/houston/business-reviews/financial-services/rsl-funding-llc-in-houston-tx-16000710/ structured settlement annuity calculator

Jumat, 25 Januari 2019

structured settlement cash

structured settlement cash
1-Structured settlement cash 2-Cashing Out If youre in the midst of a financial emergency
and dont know where to turn, you are not alone. Millions of Americans dont have the funds
they need to handle an unexpected financial crisis. When faced with costly car repairs, medical
bills or unemployment, those receiving settlement payments can cash out to get the money they
need fast. 3-You Can Get Money from Your Settlement Faster Courts and financial entities typically award
structured settlements in cases where a large amount of money is awarded to a recipient,
and that sum is broken down into manageable chunks to be paid over the course of months
or years.

In the wake of an accident or wrongful death,
taking the structured settlement rather than a lump sum can be a good idea at the time. Many people with pressing financial needs
agree that for them, it is worth it to take a lump sum payment up front even though it
could mean collecting less money overall for the life of the settlement. Three of the last one hundred and two Powerball
winners elected to receive the lump sum in lieu of payments. 4-Benefits from Cashing Out - Have immediate access to your cash
- Gain ability to invest in a start up or house
- Get out of a financial crisis 5-Drawbacks of Cashing Out - Collect less money overall for the life
of the settlement - Lose an income stream
- Forfeit future payments 6-Getting a Cash Advance The terms of a settlement, such as the amount
and number of monthly payments, are determined by an insurance company for the purpose of
meeting the recipients financial needs in the coming years.The entire process of
selling your structured settlement payments takes 45-60 days.

But dont worry, we understand that can
seem like forever in an emergency. Thats why for qualifying cases we can get
you a cash advance up to $1,000 dollars in a matter of days. 7-Why Do People Cash Out Their Structured
Settlements? The question of whether or not to sell often
boils down to deciding between selling payment versus other funding options. One reason people choose to sell their settlement
payments over other options is because they dont want to have to pay the interest rates
associated with loans.

Others dont want to take on more debt in
the form of credit lines and cards, so they decide instead to pursue the option of selling
their structured settlement payments. Each individual has to decide for him or herself
whether selling their structured settlement payments is the right decision, but for many
people it is. 8-Americans Have Little to No Savings If you dont have a traditional savings
account stocked with cash, dont feel bad  its not just you. Half of Americans say they couldnt pull
together $2,000 in 30 days in the event of an emergency, according to a report from the
National Bureau of Economic Research.Most Americans have a set amount they expect to
make each month and a set amount of bills they expect to have to pay  and not much
else left to work with.

9-Costly Car Repairs The average cost for car repairs in the United
States is between $1,700 to $3,200 depending on which state you live in. When you consider that the average yearly
household income was $51,939 in 2014, that means that fixing a vehicle takes several
weeks worth of a familys income to pay for the cost. And unfortunately having a broken down car
doesnt mean you get a pass on normal costs like mortgage payments and electric bills. 10-Unexpected medical bills If you find yourself suddenly facing a costly
medical procedure or bill, youre not alone.

Twenty-four percent of Americans have experienced
a major unexpected medical expense in the past 12 months.Often, when your health is
on the line, no amount is too much. Indeed for every dollar spent in the United
States, 17 cents gets spent on healthcare. Even with health insurance, its possible
to find yourself in a bind..

Jumat, 18 Januari 2019

Structured Settlement Cash For Payments Advance

Structured Settlement Cash For Payments Advance
You can trust that what you'll hear from Settlement
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We have a best which is awesome, we have a
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The company that I work for is like a family.
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for any of our professional and compassionate funding agents. They'll listen to you and in minutes you'll
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No pressure. We promise..

Jumat, 11 Januari 2019

structured settlement buyer

structured settlement buyer
Buyers & Purchasers of Structured Settlement
Payments Companies that purchase structured settlement
and annuity payments form what is known as a secondary market. There are many buyers on the secondary market and if youre looking to sell there are
some key points you need to know to obtain the best price for your payments along with
good customer service. Trying to figure out where to sell payments
from your annuity or structured settlement? We can help Although the task may seem difficult, it really
isnt. There are firms specializing in buying payments,
and they can get the process started with just one call from you.

The journey begins with learning what a buyer
does, steps to consider, and finding a buyer who is right for you. People interested in selling annuities and
structured settlement payments turn to structured settlement companies in what is known as a
secondary market. The secondary market started about 25 years
ago and has grown dramatically as it has developed into a competitive and regulated industry. Buyers are individual investors and businesses
who are willing to purchase payment streams in exchange for lump- sum payments.

Whether you have a settlement from a personal
injury, or an annuity you inherited from a family member getting money in the near future requires
finding a quality buyer who will deliver the best service available. What Is the Buyers Role? Structured settlement companies acting as
buyers are available online and by telephone to discuss your interest in selling payments. A buyer will review your situation and in
most cases provide you with an offer if the terms of your annuity or structured settlement
allow you to sell your payments. Buyers benefit by purchasing your payments
at a discount.

Although you lose some of the value of your
payments the ability to receive money in a lump sum
can be an advantage, especially if you have a financial emergency or want to make a major
purchase such as a car or house. The secondary market stays competitive as
buyers use their available resources to provide you with up-front cash, in exchange for waiting
months or years for the payments you sold them While they benefit from the profit margin
related to the discount rate and waiting for a long-term payout, you benefit from receiving
money now. Selling Your Payments in the Secondary Market The primary market for structured settlements
is estimated at $6 billion in sales a year, and the secondary market buys its products
from the primary market As these businesses developed, the industry
has become highly regulated and closely monitored to protect the sellers best interest. Because there are about a dozen companies
prominently involved in the secondary market, buying annuity payments, it makes sense to
shop around and compare rates.

Remember that companies buying structured
settlements are businesses trying to make money. They charge fees for their service, similar
to the way banks charge fees for loans or credit card accounts The fees for structured settlements pay for
legal, administrative, recording, filing and miscellaneous work. These fees are usually factored into the settlement. Once you have chosen a company, they should
send you a contract and disclosure statement.

You should review the contract and disclosure
statement, either with your attorney or a financial advisor When you sign it and return it to the company
buying the annuity payments, they must file it with the appropriate court to get a judges
approval. The court then convenes a hearing and may
ask you to attend the hearing to answer questions about why you want to sell the structured
settlement. If the court agrees to the payout, the judge
will approve the transfer and you will receive a lump-sum payment. You can check with the Better Business Bureau
or Chamber of Commerce where the business is located to see how other people in your
situation have felt about working with a particular company.

You should feel comfortable throughout the
process of getting a quote. Avoid companies that put undue pressure on
you to sell immediately or have poor ratings from the Better Business Bureau A trustworthy company should be able to get
you money quickly but also take the time to answer any questions you have along the way. Links

Jumat, 04 Januari 2019

sell your annuities

sell your annuities
What is an annuity? An annuity is a financial product sold by
an insurance company which guarantees to pay the holder a certain amount of money every
month for the rest of their life. How much will the annuity pay? This depends on a number of factors, including
how much money is in your pension pot, how old you are when you buy your annuity, what
annuity rates in general are like when you buy it, and what the state of your health
is. What is happening to the rules around annuities? Until April 2015, most people had to use their
pension funds to generate an income for their retirement. In the majority of cases, this
meant buying an annuity.

But changes in the law mean that there is
no longer the obligation to generate an income from your pension fund. Why have annuities been criticised? Increasing longevity and falling interest
rates since the financial crisis of 2008 mean that annuities over the past few years have
paid out less than in the past. Another issue is that an annuity contract
is generally irreversible: once you have bought one, you cannot cash it in or try to get a
better rate. You need to be certain that a secure income in retirement in exchange for
your pension funds is your preferred option.

A lot of annuity customers have also automatically
taken the annuity on offer from the provider of their pension fund, who may not always
provide the best income. If opting for an annuity it always pays to shop around to see
whether another annuity provider may offer a better rate, especially if you are in poor
health. Do annuities have anything to recommend them? Despite these issues, buying an annuity could
still be the right thing to do in many circumstances. They offer a guaranteed income which will
not fall if, say, the stock market plunges.

For those who wish to take no risk with their
retirement income and want certainty over the level of income they will receive, an
annuity may still be the best option. The 2015 law changes mean that more people
are likely to keep their pensions invested after they retire, or buy assets such as buy-to-let
property: but though these options give greater flexibility and potentially better death benefits,
there is a risk of losing money. Also, an annuity means you will never run
out of money: if you take an income from investments, there is a chance you will exhaust your fund
before  you die. What kinds of annuities are available? There are numerous types of annuity, and which
one will suit you best depends on your personal circumstances.

Index-linked or escalating annuities These pay an increasing amount of money every
year in line with inflation or by a fixed percentage. The trade-off is that in the early
years they pay less than level annuities, where the income stays flat for the rest of
your life. Joint-life annuities These are aimed at couples. The annuity will
continue to pay out after the first partner dies, unlike single-life annuities.

From April
2015, it will be possible for a joint life annuity to be paid to anyone, rather than
specifically to a spouse or financial dependant. Enhanced annuities This type is for people who have health conditions,
such as heart disease, diabetes or high-blood pressure, which could reduce their life expectancy.
Enhanced annuities pay higher income than normal annuities. Some lifestyle choices such
as smoking may also give an increased rate. I want to sell my annuity for cash - how do
I get the best deal? The first thing is to be sure that you can
manage without the regular income.

Whilst a lump sum is obviously attractive, you will
have been used to having the income coming in and you need to be sure you can live on
a reduced income. With an annuity of 25.45 Per month that
is probably not much of an issue, but those with larger annuities need to be careful not
to be tempted by the thought of a cash lump sum and then find they cant manage on their
reduced income. Those receiving benefits such as housing benefit
or pension credit should be especially careful, as it is very unlikely that your benefit would
be increased even if your income fell as a result of selling an annuity. Also, if you
receive a large lump sum in payment, your benefits could be reduced.
The next question is working out what would be a fair price for your annuity.

A simple
way of looking at it would be to ask yourself what payments you are likely to receive for
the rest of your retirement. To give some round numbers, if the actuaries
thought that you were likely on average to receive the annuity for another ten years,
then you might think it is worth 3054 (25.45 A month times twelve months times ten years).
But the amount you would be offered is likely to be considerably lower than this.
There are a number of reasons why you might get less than you expect.
There will be costs to the company which provided your annuity in handling the transaction and
they are allowed to deduct these from the value of your policy.
There will also be costs to the company which buys your annuity (which could be the same
firm but could be someone else) and they will knock these off any offer that they make.
These could include the costs of any new medical checks that they might want to undertake,
the costs of advertising their services, their own profit margin and so on.
Another reason why you might get less than you expect is that the insurance industry
worries about something called adverse selection  this is the risk that the
people who are willing to sell their annuities might be the people who know that they are
in poor health. For this group, a cash lump sum may be preferable
to an income stream that lasts as long as they live. Although the buyer will ask health
questions, the seller of the annuity knows more about their health than the buyer, and
theres a risk that annuities which are put up for sale will continue in payment for
less time than an average annuity.

You ask an important question about whether
you should sell to your provider or on the open market. In my view there is no question
that you should get quotes from as many people as possible.
Its very hard to know what the right price is for an annuity, but at least if you
have several offers then you can choose the best one if you decide to proceed. The potential
lack of competition in this market is another reason why you might not get as much as you
expect. The Government has introduced a number of
measures to try to protect consumers, as it is concerned that people may not get value
for money.

One such measure is that anyone who makes
you an offer has to tell you what it would cost to buy the annuity that you have today
on the open market. This will give you some benchmark as to the underlying value of your
annuity. There is also a requirement to take financial
advice before selling your annuity if it is above a certain size. The Government has yet
to specify this threshold, but it generally regards annuities worth more than 30,000
as being important enough to be worthy of seeking advice.
This does not apply to you, and paying for advice would probably not be cost effective
for a relatively small annuity such as yours.

But you can contact the Governments free
Pension Wise guidance service if you want someone to explain in more detail how the
process will work. In terms of how you can take the money, you
can take it all as cash in a lump sum or you can invest it in a new product such as a drawdown
account and take the money gradually. In either case you should expect to pay tax
at your marginal tax rate - nil on less than 11,000, 20 per cent, 40 per cent or 45
per cent - on the money when it is finally withdrawn. The Government explains income
tax rate bands and personal allowances here.

Finally, you should be aware that taking the
money as a lump sum could mean you end up paying more in tax than if you had continued
to take regular payments under the annuity, depending on what other taxable income you
have. Contact the Governments
https://www.Pensionwise.Gov.Uk/ The Government explains income tax rate bands
and personal allowances here https://www.Gov.Uk/income-tax-rates/current-rates-and-allowances.